Jackson shook his head. “It would have been so easy to treat if we caught it early. I wouldn’t have lost the nail.”
I buried my face in my hands. If I went to the washroom, I could slip out the back.
“Yeah, Liv.” Finn’s eyes glittered. “I’ll do you if you do me.”
I gave him a dry look. “I doubt that you’lldome. I’ve offered.”
A broad smile stretched over his face. “Maybe tonight’s your night.”
My stomach flip-flopped at the idea of something sexy happening tonight. A flash of nerves hit me in the gut.
Finn leaned in and I shivered as his mouth brushed my ear. “You’re going to have to work a lot harder than this to get me in the sack, Morgan. I’m not putting out that easy.”
I relaxed. It wasn’t happening tonight.
“Finn,” Shannon added as he took a sip of beer, “you need to be checking her for skin cancer on her labia as well.”
Finn’s beer sprayed out his nose in a storm of coughing. Over at the bar, Avery shot me awhat’s going onexpression and I returned it with a wide-eyed thumbs up.
These people were batshit crazy, and I needed to get them out of here as soon as possible. I’d ask Avery to rush our meals, I’d eat as fast as possible, and as soon as the meal was over, we’d get the bill and get the absolute fuck out of here.
I flagged the server down. “Can we order? We’re in a rush.”
Shannon leaned forward on her hands. “No leaving early on us.” She let out a loud laugh and Jackson chuckled.
“We’re not in a rush,” Finn told the server, shaking his head before shooting me a wicked grin. “We’ve got all night.”
Once we placedour dinner orders, Finn turned to the Thompsons. “Tell us more about how to keep your relationship alive after ten years of marriage.”
Oh my god,Finn. What the fuck was he doing? He wastryingto get them to say more weird shit.
Shannon opened her mouth. “Butt pl—”
“Hiking.” I cleared my throat. “Finn and I love hiking and camping. We used to do it as kids and then teenagers so it’s nice to spend time out in nature together again.” I glanced at him. “I missed doing that.”
His gaze softened as he studied my face and his mouth tipped up in a sincere smile.
“I missed it too, baby.” He gave me a lingering, sweet look before his eyes turned wicked. “Shannon, Jackson, you should join us sometime.”
I sucked in a breath.No!
Shannon gasped. “We wouldlovethat.” She leaned in and lowered her voice. “Have you guys ever seen a Sasquatch?”
Finn’s hand twitched on my thigh. “Not yet.”
Jackson glanced up from scrolling on his phone. “If you do see one, you should capture it so you can sell it to the government.”
I blew a long breath out and glanced at the door. I should leave and walk straight into the ocean.
Shannon clapped her hands together. “We know so many camping songs.” She elbowed Jackson and he flinched.
“What?” he asked.
“I was saying that we know so many camping songs.” She waved her hand. “What was that one about the raccoon?”