I cocked a grin at her to hide whatever was threatening to show on my face. “Morgan, when you say things like that, I almost think you have a heart.”
She huffed a laugh. “Race you to that giant tree.” She pointed at a fallen tree a couple hundred feet away at the top of a ridge. “If I win, you have to eat a Cheezie.”
I made a disgusted face. “Gross. Okay, fine, you’re on. But ifIwin—” My smile turned wicked and I lifted my eyebrows. “You have to get a tattoo.”
Her jaw dropped in outrage but her eyes sparked with fun and challenge.
“And I get to choose it,” I cut in before she could protest.
“Unfair,” she said, laughing.
I shrugged. “You can choose where you want it.” My gaze slid to hers. “You want to change your bet?”
“Yeah, I do.” Her hands came to her hips and she cocked her head, fired up. “If I win,youhave to get a tattoo of myname.”
My gaze locked on hers and I felt like laughing. “You have a deal, Morgan.” I stuck my hand out and she shook it. “No backing out now,” I said softly.
The playful, daring, competitive sparkle in her eyes made me grateful for this moment in the forest with her. “You’re on.”
She nodded and we planted our feet, ready to run. “Go,” she said before taking off like a shot.
Liv hauledassup that mountain, and I watched from a comfortable distance behind her, taking my time. At the top of the ridge, I sauntered to the tree and slapped my hand on it, casual as all hell.
Her expression was equal parts outrage and amusement. “You tricked me!” she yelled, throwing a stick at my foot.
I laughed and hopped out of the way. “I didn’t trick you.”
“You let me win.”
I raised my eyebrows at her. “We both won.”
Her nostrils flared and I couldn’t tell whether she wanted to tackle me out of anger or horniness. Maybe both. The thought made my dick twitch. Fucking hell, I couldn’t wait to fool around with her tonight. I couldn’t help myself—the thought of Liv’s name on my body made my blood hum.
“I’m not backing down,” she said, eyebrows raised. “Even if you threw it, I won.”
My mouth curled into a grin. “Good.”
“You’re getting that tattoo.”
I took a step toward her, gaze locked to hers. “Jeez, you must really want your name on me. Feeling territorial? Want to tell others who I belong to?” My voice dipped low and her lips parted.
Her face flushed deep red and she clamped her mouth shut to hide a grin. “Shut up.”
My chest shook with laughter, and she whooped as I crouched down and threw her over my shoulder. I was about to make another crack but something in the distance caught my attention and my heart stopped.
“Liv.” My smile faded.
Over my shoulder, she kicked and wiggled. “See? You’re coming to your senses and have realized you don’t wantOliviawritten in Comic Sans across your lower back. Put me down.”
I blinked, staring at it, before lowering her to the ground. “Liv.”
My hands came to her shoulders and I turned her around before pointing.
“Holy shit,” she breathed.