Page 152 of Trashy Affair Duet

“I wouldn’t have asked her out if I’d known you had feelings for her.”

Despite everything, I believe him.

“Speaking of your girlfriend,” he begins. “Is she ever going to show her face again?”

I laugh. “That’s a good question.” I still have a lifetime’s worth of things to discover about Jules, but I’d wager a bet she’s never been caught in such a compromising situation before.

Kaden finishes off the rest of his champagne before rising to his feet. “I need to get back down there. I’ll send my bartender in to check on her.”

I nod my thanks as he leaves, and it isn’t long before someone else makes their way to the top of the stairs. I recognize Jules’ friend as her dark eyes zero in on me.

She strides across the loft to where I’m sitting alone, and I can’t read her expression, though her clunky heels meet the ground with purpose. Without so much as a greeting, she takes the chair Kaden vacated, and I sense the weight of her scrutiny on me.

“You guys are really good,” I tell her, settling in for the coming conversation—because I know she’s got something on her mind.

“Thanks. Your brother was really cool for giving us a chance.”

“It’s well-deserved.”

She crosses her leather-clad legs. “I think we both know I didn’t come up here to talk to you about the band’s talent.”

My mouth twitches with the threat of a grin. “Didn’t think you did. Am I in for a twenty-questions session?”

“How about just one?” She leans forward, dashing her pink-streaked wispy black bangs to the side. “Are you going to put Jules first?”

Jesus. This girl doesn’t beat around the bush. “Jules means everything to me.”

She narrows her eyes—not in a threatening way but in a way that says she’s sizing me up. “You sound pretty confident.”

“I’m one-hundred percent confident that I’m in love with her. Does that answer your question?”

“It helps. There might be hope for you yet.” She leans forward, her face a swath of seriousness. “Because her ex never did put her first. Jules bent over backwards for him. She put up with so much shit, all in the name of love.” The purse of her charcoal-hued lips gives away her disdain for Jules’ ex.

I already like this girl.

“As far as I’m concerned, Jules is the first word in the book of my life.”

Lesley breaks into a huge smile. “I think we understand each other.”

“I think we do. You’re a good friend to her.” Just then, Jules returns, and behind her, the rest of the band files in, one by one, and the party kicks into gear amidst introductions and handshakes.

Jules and I have the rest of our lives in front of us, and I plan to spend every day of mine cherishing the ground she walks on.