Page 130 of Trashy Affair Duet

“Is that such a bad thing?”

She shakes her head. “It’s just a big thing.” I let my hands drop from her cheeks, and she glances at the gold wedding band on my finger. “I’m surprised you’re ready to jump in so soon, considering everything you’ve been through with your wife.”

“You’re different, Jules.” I don’t know how I know it, but I do. The day I married Monica, my gut was sick with the what-ifs, not to mention the pressure our parents put on us. I have no doubt there was something real between Monica and me, but it didn’t compare to the way I feel about Jules. I would marry her tomorrow if I could. “I want forever with you. White picket fences, children, the whole nine yards.”

“I want that with you too,” she says, gnawing on her lower lip, and I’d have to be blind to miss the uncertainty playing on her face. “But you haven’t even asked your wife for a divorce yet. How about we take it one step at a time?”

“I can do that.” I press my mouth against hers, stealing a final moment before we finish dressing, because the real world is waiting beyond these four walls. By the time we reach her living room, evening has cast her apartment in shadow. Jules flicks on a lamp, and that’s when someone pounds on the door.

A deep voice shouts her name from the other side.

We glance at each other, and her eyes are huge with alarm, because it’s her ex, and she knows it as well as I do.

“I’ll get rid of him,” I say as an illogical wave of jealousy threatens to choke me.

She grabs my arm. “Don’t answer. He’ll go away.”

Another barrage contradicts her words. “I know you’re in there! C’mon, open the fuckin’ door.”

“Damn right, he’s going away.” Before she can stop me, I turn the lock and swing the door open. The idiot causing a ruckus on the other side takes one look at me and sneers.

“I knew I wasn’t imagining it. Saw your mug on the news today. Shouldn’t you be with your wife right now?”

“Shouldn’t you be in Oklahoma where you belong?” I fire back.

He glances past me and glares at Jules. “Another married dude? You’ve turned into a real slut.”

I grip him by the collar. “Apologize to her.”

“Go ahead. Hit me,” he seethes into my face. “I fucking dare you.” Whiskey wafts off of him, surrounding him like an aura.

“Stop it!” Jules wedges between us, and my hold on her asshole ex slips. She shoots us both a warning look before crossing her arms and facing off with him. “You’re drunk,” she says, voice laden with sadness. “I want you to leave.”

“I only had a couple.”

He had more than that, but I keep my opinion to myself.

Jules shakes her head. “You said you were staying sober, remember?”

“I was…I am.” He shoots me another glare, and if looks could maim, he’d have me bleeding out right now. “This is between me and Jules. You need to take a fuckin’ hike.”

“You need to leave her alone. She doesn’t want you anymore.”

“And you know that how? Because you fucked her a few times and now you think you know her?” He takes a step forward, the angles of his face hard and threatening, and I put myself between him and Jules, pure protective instinct taking over.

She immediately tries to come forward again. “Cash, I can handle this.”

“You shouldn’t have to. You told him to leave.” I turn my focus back to her ex. “If you don’t get the hell out of here, I’m calling the police. Do you understand me?”

His anger bottoms out, and desperation flows from his features as he pleads with Jules. “Baby, we need to talk. Please. It’s important.”

“There’s nothing left to say.” Her voice is small, and I hate the way she’s shrinking in this guy’s presence, wilting like a week-old bouquet of her favorite tulips. Something about him makes her unsure of herself, and for that alone, I want to hurt him.

I pull my phone out, prepared to call the authorities, and give him a pointed look. “Last chance. She doesn’t want you here, and neither do I.”

“This doesn’t involve you!” He balls his hands, and my spine stiffens, instincts going on high alert.

“Unless you want me to lay you out on the ground,” I say through gritted teeth, “I suggest you move your ass off my girlfriend’s doorstep.”