Page 47 of Trashy Affair Duet

15. The Perils of Dating


My hand trembles as I apply mascara. He’s going to be here any minute, and I can’t help but vacillate between going on this date and calling it off. The rational part of my brain can’t comprehend that I’m about to go on a “friend” date with Cash’s brother. His fucking twin brother. As I jab the wand into the mascara tube, I wonder how the hell I got myself into this situation. Why didn’t I say no?

It’s only one date, Jules.

A knock on the door quiets the battle going on in my head. I shove the mascara into the makeup bag on the vanity, along with the lip gloss I already applied. Smoothing the bodice of my black dress, I leave the bathroom and make my way to the front door, where I find Kaden standing on the other side. One thing I’ve noticed about Kaden is he doesn’t do dressed-up, yet he manages to pull it off somehow in a pair of dark blue jeans and a white button-down shirt.

He shoots me an easy smile, and God he looks like Cash. Same thick, dark hair. Same steel eyes. It trips me up every time. But Cash is smoldering intensity—serious with small doses of playfulness that shine through every now and again. Kaden, in contrast, is almost carelessly easy-going.

“You look amazing,” he says, taking me in from the soft waves of my hair to the sandaled wedges on my feet, pearl-painted toenails peeking through.

“Thank you.”

A moment passes as we stare at each other. He breaks it by offering his hand. “Ready to go?”

Hesitation freezes my limbs, and I try to convince myself there’s still time to back out. I can tell him this is a mistake—unprofessional at best on my part, considering I work for his brother. And if that fails, I can always cough up a fib and say I’m coming down with a stomach bug. There’s nothing sexy about the possibility of a ruined night thanks to a puking date.

“Having second thoughts already?” His mouth tilts into a crooked grin. “Scared you’ll want to add some benefits to that whole ‘friend’ idea?”

“No.” There’s zero chance of that happening.

“Don’t make me play my trump card.”

“What’s that?”

“You gave me your word.”

God, he just won’t quit smiling, which makes it hard to say no, even if his strong-arming tactics are making me uncomfortable. I’m slightly sick with myself as I slide my hand into his. “Okay. One date.”

“One date,” he agrees.

I switch the lock on the doorknob before I let him lead me down the stairs to the alleyway, where a silver sports car is parked. The evening is mild, clear of rain, and I’m thankful for the low humidity, since I’m actually having a good hair day.

“Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.” Kaden opens the passenger door for me, and I lift a brow as I slide into the luxurious two-seater.

“Playing the mysterious angle, are you?”

“Absolutely,” he says with a wink as he closes the door.

While he drives toward his secret destination, we chat about music, favorite foods, and other details that help shape a person into who they are. We share some of the little things I ache to ask his brother.

I want to know everything about Cash.

Is he a breakfast person? Or is he one of those too-busy-to-eat people who thinks coffee is a food group, so therefore should count as a meal?

Does he like pulp in his orange juice? Or maybe he doesn’t like orange juice at all.

Which side of the bed does he sleep on? And does he fall asleep past midnight, or does he rise before the sun?

Fuck, he’s the CEO of a huge company, so he probably does both.

I want to uncover all his secrets. All the important moments in his life, even the ones he’d rather forget.

And God, I want to be the one to help him forget.