Page 47 of Trashy Conquest

19. Reality Knocks


Tangled limbs in the sheets. Dozing off between kisses and wandering hands. Getting to know each other through whispered conversation. Hours pass us by in a flash. Rain pelts the window, and the sun sinks toward the horizon, hidden behind the cover of heavy clouds. Jules’ bedroom is growing dimmer by the minute. So is our time together because I know I have to find the strength to leave this bed.

To leave Jules and return to the hospital.

Maybe I should feel guilty for disappearing for the better part of the day, for leaving Monica alone to wake on her own, to face her mistakes by herself, but I don’t.

Jules gave herself to me so completely, with so much trust and acceptance, that there’s not an iota of remorse flowing through my blood. For the first time in days, I’m calm, an aura of serenity driving away the chaos of my mind.

I see our future together so clearly, and I can’t help but reach for it with everything I’ve got.

“I don’t want to leave,” I whisper into her hair, tightening my arms around her, reluctant to let go. Spooning her is pure heaven.

“I don’t want you to go either, but I understand why you have to.”

“This isn’t like before. I’ll be back later. I promise.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

“I’ll be back,” I say firmly. “I’m just going to check on her before going home to pack a bag…if that’s okay?”

She turns in my arms. “Of course it’s okay. This bed is definitely big enough for the two of us.”

Grinning, I bring my lips to hers, and my cock springs to life again, aching to sink inside her body and find completion.

To find home.

I break free with a groan. “You’re an addiction I can’t fight.”

“Don’t fight it then.”

“I have to or I’d keep you in bed forever. You don’t realize the affect you have on me.”

“That’s not true. It’s the same affect you have on me.”

“Fair enough.” Letting out a sigh of resignation, I disentangle from the comfort of her embrace and move to sit at the edge of the bed. Jules gets up and starts gathering her clothing from the floor as I pull on my pants.

“Just for the record,” she says, buttoning up her top, “I’ll wait however long it takes. I’m not going anywhere.”

Two strides brings me to where she stands. I haul her into my arms and pull her into a deep kiss. As her fingers sift through my hair, she wraps her legs around my waist, and it takes the last of my willpower not to tumble onto the bed with her and lose a few more hours.

“If I have my way,” I say, forcing my lips from hers, “you’ll be in my bed every night for the rest of my life.”

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

“I don’t want to wait, Jules. As soon as the divorce papers go through, I’m putting the penthouse up for sale. I want to find a place that’s our own.”

Her eyes are a little wide as she slides out of my arms, feet firm on the floor. I grip her shoulders to steady her, because she seems a little off-kilter from what I just told her, and I’m not sure if her reaction is a bad thing, or a good thing.

I’m hoping for the latter.

“You want to move in together?”

I can’t help but grin at her stunned tone. “That’s what I said.” I hold her face in my hands, thumbs brushing her cheekbones.

“This is all happening fast,” she whispers.