She moaned as she felt the shaft moving there, as she understood that he had meant it—he would deflower her while she still wore her sexy panties, as if to teach her that his pleasure would accept no constraint.

“So smooth, Zo,” Bradley murmured, as Zoe felt the head of his cock move downward, and between her legs, to rub against the secret lips and against the folds that hid her aching clit. “So smooth and fresh for me.”

She gave a cry of protest, of need, and of shame. Her bottom bucked against his lap, and she knew he would understand exactly what that bodily reflex meant: her pussy needed fucking so very badly. Zoe Ralston had meant to save her virginity for marriage. She had almost made it, but her husband-to-be had learned the shameful truth: Zoe Ralston needed immediate fucking. She should have had it months ago, and would have had it, but her fiancé had had too much respect for her wishes, and he had not understood that she belonged over his knee, or over a spanking stool, for an adjustment to her attitude, before she received his hard cock between her thighs, in her mouth, and in her bottom-hole.

The head of his penis moved back a little, pressed in at the place where Nurse Carter had spread Zoe open to check on her hymen and to pronounce her ready for the marriage bed. Now her bridegroom had bent her over that bed, before they were married. He had decided not to wait. He wanted a fuck, tonight, after disciplining her for the first time.

She tensed and drew a sharp breath, as she felt him come up against the barrier.

“You’re so wet, babe,” Bradley said, stroking her hip with the fingers of his left hand. “Look at me.”

Zoe’s eyes went wide, and she almost pleaded not to have to meet his eyes, but she craned her neck so that she could just see his serious, loving face, the hard jaw with its shadow of stubble.

She felt his right hand leave the panties stretched over her bottom, no defense now against a bridegroom’s wicked desires, and take hold of her right hip, so that she felt herself pinned upon his hard cock. She knew he would take her virginity now, right now... that she could not get away, and she would be a woman in a few seconds—a woman with a penis inside her, a woman having her first fucking.

“I’m taking you this way, for our first time,” he said gently, despite the shameful words, “because we both need this kind of traditional marriage, don’t we?”

Part of Zoe tried to rebel, almost struggled against his restraining hands, almost protested that no, she didn’t want this kind of sex where the bride had to look at the headboard while she had her husband thrusting hard behind her, using her for his enjoyment. The rest of her had melted into Bradley almost entirely, though, her heart full of love for the way he could give her what she needed without her asking.

“Yes, sir,” Zoe whispered, and turned her face to the pillows, feeling her forehead crease and her cheeks go hot as she bent her back a little to push her bottom against his lap, yielding her bare, virgin pussy to her bridegroom’s hardness.

Chapter Twelve


Bradley could hardlyhave described how heavenly it felt to have Zoe move that way, to have her welcome his cock inside her despite her evident fear and her even more evident shame. She gave another gasp as if she felt his hardness press in the place she needed it most, but also found the most alarming.

He held her hips firmly in his big hands, and he let his body do as it could hardly help doing: with his feet to either side of Zoe’s and his knees bent to straddle her backside so that he could ride her for his pleasure, he thrust hard inside the bare, wet pussy of his bride-to-be. He held her to him though her own reflexes made her try to twist away from her defloration, and he felt the velvet grip of her tight young vagina begin to yield to the pleasure she had denied him for so many months. Zoe struggled and cried out, but Bradley held his place, and drove his hard cock inward until her little bottom rested thrillingly against his lap, and he could hold her on the penis with one hand while with the other he stroked her back gently, the way he might stroke an obedient pet.

“Oh...” she sobbed. “Oh, it hurts. Sir... Bradley. It hurts...” She twisted around to look at him, one blue eye visible and one red cheek. Her eyes seemed full not of pain so much as pride that despite the discomfort she had taken the cock like a good wife does when her husband says she must, even with her lacy white panties still on.

“I know, Zoe,” he murmured. “Shh. I’m going to start fucking, now. It’s going to hurt at first, but that will get better.” He put out the hand that was stroking her back and turned her face away again. He didn’t want to know why exactly he found that so hot, but the casual dominance of the gesture made Zoe whimper with submissive arousal and made his cock jerk inside her. She responded with a little cry, and a squirming movement of her hips on his that brought such pleasure to his rigid shaft that he had to thrust back and begin his rhythm.

“Oh,” Zoe said as Bradley fucked her in a slow cadence, pulling out only an inch or two and then gently thrusting back inside. “Oh... it... oh, no... I... it still hurts, but...”

Her head went back, and her whole body went rigid. Inside, Bradley felt his cock gripped so tightly by her sweet pussy that he grunted with pleasure and began to fuck harder. He looked down to see his bloodstained erection flashing in and out of her shaven pussy, her pretty white panties pulled across her bottom-cheek to let him take his pleasure. Zoe screamed as she felt him thrust with real mastery, a sound of ecstasy and pain mingled into bridal submission, as she had her first climax from a hard penis inside her.