But no one taught me how to drive.
I shrugged. “I know how to proof bread, can jam, and preserve pickles, but I don’t know how to even turn a car on.”
Timeo was the youngest Montavio, but still older than me by enough that Sergio and Eden watched us like hawks. Not sure what they expected we would do, but I was hardly ready to spread my legs for my best friend.
Timeo shook his head with that boyish grace. Even though it had been years since he was a boy, there was a certain look, a certain laugh, that was all Timeo.
“That ends now. Everyone needs to know how to drive, Starla. It’s like a fundamental life skill.”
Not true. Learning to drive was a privilege, but I didn’t want to school him on what I actually learned out of necessity to be crucial life skills.
I nodded and thought it over. Was I ready for Timeo Montavio, the gorgeous man that featured in every one of my nightly fantasies and dreams, in the interior of a car, right next to me, where no one could watch us and scold or cajole?
On second thought, that sounded like a fantastic idea.
“That sounds good. But what if I’m a terrible driver?” I asked, giving him a curious look.
“That’s why you learn. Mario and Sergio taught me, and you know how they are.”
I did. They drove with absolute precision but also at death-defying speeds like maniacs because they owned race cars.
“I do know.”
“We can’t keep it secret forever, but let’s not announce this to Sergio and Eden until you’re good at it.”
That became our mantra.
You can’t keep it secret forever.
A promise that you could keep it secret for a little while, but you were on borrowed time. A tryst that no one but us ever knew about. Our secret.
“Alright, into the driver’s seat with you.”
My heart pounded madly in my chest. From where I sat, huge bushes in full bloom blocked my view of The Castle, so theoretically…they couldn’t see us either.
I swallowed. “Uh…is Sergio going to kill you when he finds out?”
Timeo smirked. When he smiled, a little dimple formed in the corner of his cheek. But I didn’t let his wildly rugged good looks fool me. Timeo could be as ruthless and cutthroat as all of them, Rossis and Montavios included.
But never to me. Never, ever to me.
“You let me worry about Sergio.”
Excellent plan.
My heart thumped a little faster when I realized that unless I got out of the car, I’d have to basically climb over Timeo — tall, strong, older, and deliciously muscular Timeo.
I got out of the car.
Still, I was acutely aware of his strong, masculine hands on mine — stout fingers, dark hair, rough palms — showing me how to position my grip. His husky voice loud and commanding in the small, cramped interior.
“The first rule of driving. Obey traffic laws. And since I’m the licensed driver here, that means you obey me.”
A shiver skated over my skin, and I wasn’t sure why. I’d heard the “obey me” command before, of course, but it always made me want to put up my fighting hands and tell someone to leave me the hell alone, that I wouldn’t obey anyone, not after the abuse I experienced in the fellowship.
But when Timeo said those words to me… when he gave me a look that dared me to disobey him, to cross him and tell him no… the first lick of erotic pleasure pulsed through me.
“…accidents and legal consequences.” Timeo stared at me. “Starla, did you hear a word I just said?”
“Of course I did!” I protested, racking my brain for details. “Obey the traffic laws.”
Timeo’s eyes narrowed on me. “Stay sober and pay attention. No cell phone in the car, ever. If I ever catch you driving under the influence, you’ll wish Sergio was the one who found out instead of me, and you know he’s no pushover.”
Was that a threat?
And why did it make me all kinds of hot and aroused?
Did his concern mean that he… cared?
Still, I had a reputation to uphold.
“Okay, since when do you boss me around?” I said, ignoring the flush on my cheeks and the way my voice wobbled.
I wanted him to touch me. I wanted him to show me what happened after that first throb of need took over my senses.
Timeo moved a little closer. “Since when do I boss you around?” he asked in a husky voice, affected by something, but I had no idea what. Leaning in, he tugged an errant lock of blonde hair. “Since I knew you liked it.”
“I don’t want to fucking rest,” Timeo mutters. “I want to catch up with my brothers. See the people at Bella Notte. See how everyone’s doing since I’ve been gone.” He exhales. “It’s been too damn long.”