Just like I was…

“If you don’t fucking…”

I pulled her off of me and turned her around, impaling her right back down on my cock.

She squeaked, wrapped her tiny legs around my waist, and reached up to touch my face.

“If I don’t fucking what?” I asked, curling one hand up around her butt, my fingers grazing that entrance that was oh-so tempting.

The other hand went up to her throat where I used my thumb to tilt her head up.

Keeping her back off the wall, I fucked her, this time ready to let her come. I also kissed her, depriving her of oxygen, not pulling back when I knew she needed a breath until I felt her quickening around me.

She came within three sharp thrusts.

I followed right behind her seconds later, pumping my seed deep into her.

My eyes crossed.

My stomach tightened and my ass clenched.

My toes scrunched in my boots.

And I squeezed her hips so hard I knew she’d see the evidence that I’d been there for a week. Though, she’d probably feel it, too. Her tits and pussy were going to wear my reminder for days as well.

I pulled away and she gasped for breath, her abused nipples grazing my flannel-covered chest with each inhalation.

Her shoelaces shifted against my back as she unhooked her legs from around me.

Getting the point, I put her down, pulling out of her as I did.

I heard the wet suctioned slurp of my cock leaving her pussy, and I wondered if it was normal to be highly attracted to a sound.

Damn, I’d love to repeat that sound over and over again throughout the night.

But, alas, I had too much to do.

I really didn’t even have time to do her.

Yet, there I was, in an alley, fucking her senseless.

I tucked my cock back into my pants, zipped and buttoned, then resituated my hard cock in my jeans for comfort. Or, as much comfort as one could find when you were still as hard as a board and wanting more, yet you weren’t going to get it.

“My clothes,” she said softly.

I pulled the handheld flashlight—and no, not my fuckin’ phone like the rest of gen pop—and clicked it on.

“I’ll go find them,” I murmured, leaving her there, standing naked, in her tennis shoes.

I found her clothes next to a couple fucking nearly in the same spot we’d been earlier.

Walking right up to them, I bent down and caught her underwear and shorts—if they could even be called shorts—and headed back.

My gaze swept the alley for her bra since I hadn’t seen it, only to find it right next to her feet.

I bent down and picked that up, too, offering them to her.

“Thanks,” she replied quietly.

I didn’t reply.

Watching her get dressed, I wondered if I should get her name.

Or her number.

But then I decided there would be no reason to.

My life was a fuckin’ whirlwind. Any repeat performances just weren’t going to happen.

Not right now, anyway.

She may have the best pussy I’d ever had, but she was still just pussy.

Nothing would change that fact.

I waited until she was done getting dressed, then led the way out of the alley.


Thick and tired.



I’d just had sex.

Mind blowing, never going to quite recover from what I’d just experienced, sex.

Hell, my entire walk home, I’d felt his eyes on me.

But I hadn’t felt scared.

Just the opposite.

I’d felt protected. Cherished. Hunted.

When I turned into my apartment building, I chanced one last look over my shoulder.

But I didn’t see him.

Not that I’d expected to.

He was invisible.

When he’d disappeared from that alley, I had hurried behind him only to not see him in either direction.

But as I’d started walking, I knew that I wasn’t alone.

Pushing my way into the entryway of our shared apartment buildings, I was unsurprised to find Keene, Val, Zip, Tony, and Simi there.

“Hey!” Tony chirped when she saw me. “How’d your run go?”

Her eyes narrowed on the scrapes on my chest. If she could see my entire breast…

“Looks like it took a lot out of her,” Simi said. “I’m going to have to run by my apartment to get the babies. Coffey has to leave to get his run in as well. And he can’t do that until I come relieve him of baby duty.”

“Absolutely,” I said, hoping the ‘talk’ wouldn’t take long.

I needed a shower.

I currently had a man’s come leaking out of me, and I was fairly sure if any of them got close enough they’d smell it. If not see it. I was wearing gray shorts, dammit.

“Wait for me!”

We all turned from our trek to the elevator to find Hades rushing in the door, three boxes of donuts in her hands, a camera bag slung over one shoulder, and her man scowling at her back.

Hannibal, her man, caught the door before it could whack her in the back, then caught her hand before she could get too far away.