His fingers found my nipple and he squeezed.


I gasped loudly, unable to stop myself.

That hurt!

But he soothed away the hurt with a twirl of his finger around my nipple.

I bit my lip, wondering what he’d do next, and was not disappointed when he pulled my top up higher, revealing both of my breasts.

Now, I’m not saying I’m the most well-endowed girl in the world when it came to breast size, but I definitely had more than I wanted sometimes.

So when the bra was finally free, I let out a relieved breath.

“You should never wear this stupid contraption again,” he growled, tugging lightly on the fabric.

I snorted. “Yeah, and suffer a hernia or something when they go flopping around when I run or work.”

I couldn’t imagine them being free while I worked.

I could just see myself now.

High up in the air on one of the rings, body going one way, left breast going another, and the right breast doing the exact opposite.

He hummed, his hand smoothing down my belly.

Now, with breasts came hips. And I definitely had those.

I also had ass.

I was the shortest, most well-developed woman I’d ever seen.

It was a contradiction.

But the man who was now leaning into the wall, his muscular forearm planted just inches above my head, didn’t seem to care about the contradictions.

No, that was definitely a well-defined cock I could feel digging into my back.

And also, what in the holy hell was he doing to me?

He wasn’t even touching me intimately anymore, and I was panting.

If his hands were anything like his kiss, I might not survive the night.

Moreso, what in the hell was I thinking doing this with a stranger in public?

“Do you have a condom?” I blurted, suddenly in a hurry.

He paused, his large fingers trailing down the length of my hip, teasing the hem of my high-rise bike shorts.

“Yes,” he said simply. “Now ask me if I want to use it.”

I felt my heart hammer.

“You have no choice but to use it,” I argued as I attempted to shuck my shorts and underwear. I didn’t get very far with the shucking since I was way too plastered to him.

“If we’re doing this, we’re doing it right.”

“As you say,” he rumbled.

And, stupidly, I didn’t push it. And maybe I should have.

If I was smart, I would have.

But he’d done something to my brain.

I was short-circuiting, dammit!

“Are we doing this?” I asked.

Were we?

Because I wasn’t sure at that point.

He was acting cool as a cucumber, running his fingers up and down the buttery smooth fabric of my shorts. Meanwhile, I was panting and my knees were already weak.

“We’re doing this,” he confirmed. “When I feel like it.”

Oh, boy.

Well in that case…

I had my first bout of smarts since this whole thing started.

“Then maybe I should go.”

I reached up to tug my bra down, but he caught both of my hands in his, and had them high above my head pressed against the wall, seconds later.

And my exposed nipples were dragging along the rough stone, and I was fairly sure that had been his intention the whole time.

“My nipples will get dirty,” I pointed out.

“There’s gonna be a lot of you getting dirty, darling,” he mused. “And I’m about to show you.”

Then, I kid you not, my shorts were down around my ankles.

There I was, standing in the middle of a dark alley in downtown Dallas, almost completely nude.

He was completely dressed standing behind me, blocking my view of the world with his big, bulky body.

And I was allowing it!

“Um,” I said softly. “Is this…should we…do you happen to have a place other than an alley where we can take this?”

Great job, Crimson. Great job.

He ignored my words and started to trail those fingers down the length of my side. When he got to my hip where it would move onto my leg, he changed his path, following the seam of my thigh. When he got to the inside where the lip of my sex was, he again changed directions, this time following it to the seam of my sex.

He trailed his finger, just one single freakin’ finger, up and down the length of that seam. Not quite touching anything vital, but not not.

On one such pass, he pushed slightly in, grazing the pad of his finger along my clit.

I felt like a thousand sparklers had been set off inside my body with just that one touch.

“Ho-holy shit,” I stuttered.

Was this real?

Was that all it took? One little teeny, tiny graze of his finger?

I was seconds away from coming!


Who left the bag of idiots open?

-Text from Winston to Crimson


She was a hot little thing.

And she was letting me do whatever the fuck I wanted to do to her.

I’d clocked her in the bar the moment she’d walked in.

She’d moved straight to the bar top where she’d taken a seat, giving me a direct line of sight to her.