I needed ten minutes, though.


The only D I need is direct deposit.

-lies Crimson tells herself to make her feel better


I left while he was getting cleaned up.

He’d so graciously allowed me to get cleaned up first, and what a mess that had been, and then he’d passed me in the doorway with a lascivious grin on his face.

When he’d been cleaning up—because he’d needed to. I’d made a mess and so had he—I’d taken off and hadn’t looked back.

Mostly because I knew if I stayed, there would be more of that going on, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about the first time. Let alone subsequent other times.

So yes, I’d run.

I was good at running.

When I got home, I finally scrounged up the nerve to check my phone and wasn’t surprised to see the little chicken emoji front and center of his text messages.

He hadn’t sent anymore, but he hadn’t needed to, had he?

I knew exactly what he meant by sending that one.

And if I thought that would be the end of it, I would be sorely mistaken.

Winston wasn’t the type of man who would allow me to get away. Not after what I’d done—invading his privacy, giving him really good sex.

And it was really good.

As in, I wanted to do it, again and again, kind of good. The kind of good that I was beating myself up for leaving halfway home, kind of good.

Needless to say, when I finally lay my head on the pillow in my apartment and allowed my mind to drift, it was to one thing. Him.

Forcing myself to consider other important things—such as what I was going to name myself—I left Winston behind.

At least, I tried to.

I kept him in the back of my thoughts the rest of the night as I brainstormed.

In the end, I went to bed without accomplishing either goal—thinking about him was a necessity at this point. And coming up with names was stupid hard. I didn’t know how parents did it.

• • •

The next morning, I couldn’t help but smile as I blinked open my eyes.

When I’d gone to bed, I’d fretted about what my last name was going to be.

But now, the perfect idea hit me as the sun pierced through my eyeballs.


He would kill me.

I couldn’t freakin’ wait!

Throwing the covers off, I stared blankly at the ceiling of my apartment and took stock of my body.

To say that I felt like I’d been hit by a freight train would be an understatement.

I groaned as I rolled out of bed.

I was sore in places that were quite unusual.

But sore in a good way.

Sore in a holding down my thighs to the desk way. Sore in a fucking me so hard from behind that I bet I had imprints of his fingers on my ass kind of way.

I walked stiffly to the bathroom, tossed my underwear in the hamper, tossed my shirt on the floor, and immediately stepped into the shower.

I hated it.

The shower was old and outdated, seeing as my apartment was one of the only ones that hadn’t been renovated top to bottom.

That was in the plans for the future, according to Slone, but in the meantime, I was left dealing with a finicky shower that liked to go cold at random times.

But, since I was now a healthy person who liked to live life to its fullest, I started taking cold showers in the morning to help wake my brain up and give me health benefits such as a decrease in inflammation and an increase in circulation.

After cleaning up down there—and blushing as I thought about the horror show after last night’s escapades—I stepped out of the shower and wrapped the big fluffy splurge of a bath sheet around my body.

As I did, I got a text message and narrowed my eyes at the phone that was lit up on the vanity across the room.

Unable to help myself, I walked to the phone and glanced down at the screen.

I narrowed my eyes as I read the text.

Winston: I hope that you’re feeling me this morning.

The ass.

I picked it up and typed out a text.

Me: Feeling cramps. Wish I could give them to you as a souvenir.

Winston: What name did you choose?

Me: You’ll have to wait to find out.

I put down my phone and got ready and was headed out the door within fifteen minutes.

The walk to the car took me five minutes, and I ran into three of my sisters on the way.

After assuring each of them that I would be back for rehearsal in a couple of hours, I drove downtown to the courthouse.

It took me ten minutes to change my name.

It took longer to walk into the courthouse and through the metal detectors.

“Thanks!” I chirped to the judge as he waved me out.

He winked and waved the flyer. “I’ll be at the next circus. Thank you.”