Though Jareth was able to pull up every news feed in the building, it never failed that the person doing the rearranging was never caught on that camera. At least not when it came to his face. And it was a him.

How did I know?

Because I made it a point to go in there every week and move them in a way that Jareth—the most Christian man who prayed for everyone’s souls—would find the most offensive.

And, seeing as I had a dick, I was definitely all man.

She walked inside, and I wished I’d taken Jareth’s advice and put a camera on the inside of the mannequin room just so I could see what she was doing.

When she came out ten minutes later, the curiosity was killing me.

I stayed where I was, though, grinning wickedly when the offices that were on the next ten floors kept her unamused.

She finally got to my floor, and I grinned.

Jareth, who I knew wouldn’t be able to help himself with an unknown entity in the building, texted saying that she was coming into my private floor via the stairs.

Since I’d been watching, I sent him a ‘you can turn the monitors off on my floor now.’

The screens went blank a few minutes later, letting me know he’d complied with my dictate.

I got up from my desk and moved until I was standing right in the open, hands in my pockets, waiting for her.

She didn’t come in quietly, though, letting me know she wasn’t trying to be sneaky as much as just trying to explore.

I felt my heart leap when I saw her walk through the doorway leading to the stairs.

She stared at the ceiling when she entered, completely missing me.

So I watched her and waited for her to notice me.

It took her a straight five minutes as she gawked at the opulence.

I’d splurged on the chandelier, buying a very big, very expensive, very heavy one that took up almost ten feet of ceiling space.

I rarely ever turned it on, though.

Mostly because it was too bright, and the reflection of the light off the glass crystals distracted me, especially when the fans were also going. Too much sensory input made it almost impossible for me to work.

I’d never been the best concentrator. ADHD and I didn’t get along too well, and it’d taken me a lot of years to finally get to the point I was at now, thriving but also giving myself the breaks that I needed to function.

“Wow,” she breathed, jolting me out of my thoughts. “This is…wow.”

I looked around, trying to see it from her eyes.

It was wow. I’d felt the same way when I put it in, but now I totally disregarded everything that surrounded me, so used to the views that I no longer paid attention to it.

“What are you doing here, darling?” I asked.

She jolted, surprised to find me standing right in front of her.

“Oh,” she breathed. “I didn’t see you there.”

My brows rose. “You didn’t think I’d be at my own place of business?”

She shook her head. “I figured if you were here, I’d be caught by now.”

I flashed her a grin. “Think again.”

She took two steps into the room and stopped, her eyes finally taking me in.

“Wow,” she said. “That’s…very unprofessional.”

I looked down at my trousers and dress shirt before saying, “What’s unprofessional about it?” The only thing improper was my jacket being hung on my clothes rack.

“Everyone I saw in this building looked like they stepped straight out of a men’s fashion magazine. By the way, why did I only see men?” she questioned.

I grinned inwardly.

Outwardly, though, I kept my gaze directed on her face while holding an impassive look.

“Because you’re on the security wing, and all the girls that work here are on the side with the work that won’t make them want to throw up if they did it,” I answered.

Nothing against women, but when it came to the violence that this part of my job required, women didn’t often have the gumption to do the bad things that might be required of them.

Though they’d fight to the death for the children, I was in the business of torture, and women didn’t like torturing people.

“What kind of things do the men do in this part of the building?” she asked.

Just like I knew she would.

I loosened my tie.

Seeing her in skin-tight black pants, a cropped black t-shirt, and those cute fuckin’ shoes made me want to rip every bit of her clothing off.

And to be completely honest, I’d done nothing but force myself to stay away from her over the last few days. My body had been acting like I was a drug addict in need of its next hit.

But I’d forced myself to stay away, knowing damn well and good that whatever we had going on wouldn’t be something that we could continue in the long run.