He was dead, though, so he couldn’t answer.

I screwed the silencer off the barrel, replaced it into my pocket, then re-holstered my gun.

I was just wondering whether one of the bolts of fabric that was half rolled up on the table would be enough to roll his dead body up in when I heard the angry pounding of feet coming my way.

I moved quickly, concealing my body behind a large cabinet in the room.

But the moment I heard her angry words, I relaxed.

“…Stacy told me that you called her a fat piece of shit today,” Crimson said loudly. “Are you fucking joking? Where are you? You disgusting piece of shit.”

If she only knew…

Though, I had a feeling she would know in a few seconds because I’d have to tell her everything.

Because she’d see the body in three, two, one…

“Well, fuck,” Crimson said.

I moved out from behind the cabinet, my hands going up to wrap around her face and upper chest just when she said, “Deserved. Though, I would’ve preferred a tall building.”

I was grinning when I pulled her into my body.

She stiffened, but didn’t fight me.

“It’s me,” I said.

I felt her deflate a bit at the sound of my voice.

“If I let you go, you can’t scream,” I said.

Her answer was to bite me.


“Ouch, shit,” I said as I pulled my hand back. “What the hell was that?”

She narrowed her eyes at me and said, “Stop scaring me!”

My brows rose. “You just walked in on a dead body bleeding out on the floor, and you’re worried about me scaring you?”

“Yes,” she pouted. “Because, listen, I’ve had a really bad day. I had to listen to three women come to me and tell me how this asshole,” she pointed at the floor, “called them fat and disgusting. None of them are fat or disgusting. Yet, they all want to quit because they can’t work in an environment where they have to deal with someone degrading them constantly. And I can’t blame them, because I’ve dealt with the same shit for years. I’m just pissed because I can’t freakin’ fire him, dammit! I’ve been waiting to do that for years!”

I started to say something, but then she continued before I could.

“I’m hungry. I ran today and it was the shittiest run I’ve had to date. My period started last night and it was like the red damn tide in my bed this morning. And just sayin’, but I just bought brand new baby blue sheets. And now they look awful. I don’t even know if the stain will come out. Not to mention it’s all over my favorite pair of underwear.” She fisted her hands at her sides, and I was trying really, really hard not to tell her how damn cute she was looking all small and angry like that. “Then, I get to work, and my brother ate my damn leftovers. And now this. And I’ll bet you had a really good reason for doing that. Mostly because I don’t think you care enough about me to get mad that he was touching me two weeks ago.”

Well, she’d be wrong on that last thing.

But again, she kept talking.

“I have a laundry cart that I can bring in here, and we can hide this.” She pointed at him. “And an industrial-sized bottle of bleach.”

I waited to see if she’d say anything more, but she didn’t.

“My turn now?” I asked curiously.

She sniffed. “Yes.”

“I have a team that deals with this. They were dispatched before I’d even walked into the building,” I said. “So I don’t need the laundry cart.”

She blew out a relieved breath.

I took her hand and guided her a bit away from the growing puddle of blood.

She jerked her arm out of my grip, and I really didn’t like that.

But I also wasn’t in a position to act on the feelings I was experiencing when it came to that woman, so I chose to not acknowledge the rest of her tirade.

“Cool, cool.” She nodded. “Well then, I’m about two seconds away from murder myself if I don’t eat. And my brother left about thirty minutes ago to bring back food since he felt bad for eating mine. See ya.”

Then she tried to leave.

And for some reason, her easy dismissal had my hackles rising.

I didn’t like that she’d dismissed me so easily.

I caught her hand before she could take two steps away from me before saying, “Do I need to explain what’ll happen to you if you talk?”

She rolled her eyes. “I don’t need to know the entire story here, Ozzie.”

My eyelid twitched. “Don’t call me Ozzie.”

“Winnie?” she asked, blinking her eyelids at me rapidly.

Supposedly, she’d done it to be cute. But it just looked like she had something in her eye.


“Billy Ray?” she asked sweetly.

My eyelid twitched. “Absolutely no.”

“Ton?” she said. “Win?”