As in, the shit that I’d learned from the Singh family today.

“I’m still doing some research, though your other hacker is really helpful. She’s sent me everything she’s finding as she finds it. I’m sharing my research with her as well. Hope that’s all right. It seems easier to work together than keeping what I find to myself in case she can use my information as well to work off of. But what I’m finding so far…it’s not looking good,” he admitted.

I wouldn’t think so.

With the conviction I heard in Keene’s voice, as well as the gut feeling I had about the situation, it was too perfect.

I mean, circus came to town, kids came to the circus, pedophiles got to cherry pick the kids they want, and boom, they went missing the day the circus left town.

I didn’t do coincidences.

What I did do were facts.

And the facts were adding up faster than they should.

“Thanks,” I said. “Just go ahead and send whatever you find to my email. When I get home tonight, I’ll have a look over it all and see what I can do with it. If I have any questions, I’ll give you a call back.”

“Sounds good,” LaDerrick said. “Peace.”

Then he was gone, and I was cursing because the woman in front of me crossed four lanes of traffic, driving on the wrong side of the road for a little bit of it, to take a hard left turn in front of three other cars.

If I hadn’t known she was unaware of me, I would think she was trying to lose a tail.

But no, she was just that bad of a driver.

I waited until the lanes were clear of traffic to follow behind her and had to follow a cloud of dirt to find her.

She was pulling into a cemetery and shutting her car off before I could get to a spot to hide myself.

But again, it didn’t matter, because when she got out she didn’t once look back.

She was so intent on her purpose that she was seeing nothing but the path in front of her.

That’s when I noticed the sledgehammer in her hand.

Who just drove around with a sledgehammer in her car?

The crazy one that I was for some reason highly attracted to…

I pulled over, parked under a tree for a little concealment, and got out.

Locking my truck with the key, I headed in her direction and was unsurprised to hear her cursing her way through the headstones.

She was marching through them with a purpose, and I couldn’t wait to find out what that purpose was.

“You need to leave,” I heard her say.

I rounded the large headstone to see a couple making out next to a concrete angel.

They both jumped apart and cursed.

“This is literally sacred ground where people’s loved ones are buried,” she said to the two young teens. “Not to mention it’s freakin’ weird that y’all are here making out on a pedophile’s grave.”

The two young teens looked at the concrete angel and their lips curled up.

“A pedophile?” the girl asked.

“A gross one,” Crimson grumbled. “Go.”

The two of them went, and I nodded my head politely at them.

They didn’t say anything, just gave me a wide berth and headed out to the parking lot.

I hadn’t seen a vehicle, but my guess was that they’d walked here.

“Now it’s just you and me,” Crimson said to the gravestone.

Then she spit on it.

“You freakin’ disgust me,” she said.

Then she took the sledgehammer to the concrete angel and started losing her shit.

I watched as she took her rage out on the headstone.

I walked right up to her and waited for her to notice me.

She didn’t.

Not for a very, very long time.

As in, not until the concrete was unrecognizable.

She finally dropped the sledgehammer down to the ground and breathed in heavy breaths of air.

I was impressed.

Not only had she destroyed it, but she’d done it all without gloves, and all without stopping to breathe.

That was some hell of a pent-up rage fest.

I moved until I was just behind her and said, “You’re a bossy bit of goods. Do you know that?”

She gasped and whirled, her gaze lighting on me.

“What are you talking about?” She narrowed her eyes. “And why the hell do you keep following me?”

I crossed my arms over my chest.

I really didn’t want to like her.

Liking her was complicated, and I had zero room in my life for complicated. In fact, I had so little room in my life right now that this little detour would set me back days.

The last thing I wanted to do was find something interesting, because interesting made my fixation start to set in, and fixating on someone, especially someone like her, would be a disaster.

“I’m following you because you intrigue me,” I said instead of lying. “Are you okay?”

I eyed her hands then, seeing that she’d not stopped sledgehammering, but maybe she should have.