“You know, everything is going to be okay?” Karina asked.
“Of course it’s going to be okay. Everything is fine. More than fine.”
“But you’re freaking out.”
“I know,” Rose said.
Karina looked at her sister and frowned. “Are you okay?”
“No, I’m really, really not okay with any of this.”
There was no time to hug her sister and make promises she couldn’t keep. She watched the change in her father, how he seemed to tense up, and then exude what she assumed was his alphaness. Yeah, not a word, but there was no way to describe what else he was doing, and Karina returned her gaze to looking straight ahead. She couldn’t hear what was being said.
“Do you know what is happening?” Karina asked, whispering to Rose.
“Shh, I’m trying to listen.”
“Well, you could at least help a girl out here. You know, the one that doesn’t have the greatest hearing.”
“Karina, shh.”
She rolled her eyes and still held her sister’s hand. This is part of what she hated about being in the pack. This is what made her the outsider. With her free hand, she ran fingers through her hair, getting rid of some of the field where she’d been running around, singing and dancing till her heart was content.
It was rare for her to get a day off, but as this was happening today, she’d used the freedom to enjoy her time. Not that she had an actual job. Everyone allowed her to help, and even though no one would hire her, she had become a good sport in helping. All she had to do was show up and there was always a job for her to do.
This was so boring.
Rage had no interest in mating with any of Westblood’s pack. He was a little surprised by the invite, but he knew it was coming. Even though he didn’t want to join forces or run the risk of weakening his pack, he had a great respect for William Westblood, and accepted his invitation.
He knew of the threat. He’d gone toe-to-toe with rogue wolves before, and they were not a nice bunch. They were worse than fighting a feral dog. A rogue wolf was stronger, their bite even more lethal, and of course they didn’t tire, nor did they give up, until either their prey was dead or they were.
His pack were not happy to be making the trek out to the Westblood pack. He intended to turn down William’s offer of mating with one of his women to join their packs together. Rage was an alpha. He wouldn’t share that kind of responsibility.
“Rage, thank you for coming,” William said, gripping his hand, firm and strong.
He couldn’t help but smile at the force of the handhold.
“It’s always a pleasure to see you, Will,” he said. They were acquaintances. Rage knew he wasn’t particularly liked. Being kicked out of his own pack many moons ago, in theory, he should have gone feral and been a problem. Unlike the rogue wolves causing problems, Rage had been removed from his pack, and in doing so, several had left with him. Their allegiance was sworn to him and him alone. Along the way, he’d found other people, and a pack had been born. One he did care about, but it was also a pack that had no name, because they didn’t need one.
They lived not too far from Westblood, in a small town. Westblood had created his pack amongst the forest, where there was a small village, whereas Rage had taken over an abandoned ghost town, with forest surrounding them. He made sure his village thrived, and it did.
Looking past Will’s shoulder, he saw the women, at least twenty of them, lined up.
“We do not have to do this tonight,” Rage said.
He wanted some food, a nice, strong drink, and then he’d deal with all things business in the morning.
“I promised you I took this joining seriously, and I intend to keep my promise.” Will took the lead. “All of these women are consenting. They want to be here.”
Rage heard a snort that was then covered up with a cough. He had a feeling not all of the women were willing.
Down the line, he saw Rose, and knew she was Will’s daughter. She didn’t look at him, but straight down at the ground with her hand over her mouth. She’d been the snorter.
So, Will’s daughter didn’t want to be his mate. That was probably a good thing, because he had no interest in Rose either. None of these women were worth his time, but he did the hospitable thing and shook their hands.
His own pack were aware of his annoyance, but like he had told them, they stayed back and didn’t interfere with his business. He wasn’t interested in anything they had to say.
However, once he got to the fifth woman, her grip was a little tighter and she gave him a sultry hello. Rage was about to respond with a curt acknowledgement, but then something happened he had never experienced before in his life. The softest little hum. Just a subtle sound, but his wolf came crashing to the surface, shocking him into full awareness.