However, it was a problem when she got the flu, or a sickness bug. Only then had the pack’s healer been called and her skills truly tested. Karina hated feeling useless. Like now, she rushed inside while her father berated her.
“There is no time to change,” her mother said. “We must hurry to the town square. We cannot be late for our guest’s arrival.”
Karina looked down at herself.
She’d opted for the white dress with sharp red roses along the skirt. The rest of the dress was white. Her mother hated when she wore white as she often came home with it a mess. This dress wasn’t too long, though. Karina either wore skirts or dresses, but never trousers or jeans. She hated the feel of them against her skin.
Rose loved to tease her, calling her a “girly girl.” She didn’t care. She had tried the jeans and trousers when she was younger and hated them. She wouldn’t be ashamed of it.
Even as she arrived home, there was no time to waste and within minutes they were back out, heading toward the town square. They rarely had any visitors and she was surprised her father would invite an unnamed pack into their safe one. She didn’t know everything going on in her father’s world, so she tried not to question him. Rose grabbed her hand and locked their fingers together.
They were close and had been ever since Karina could remember. She’d never had any wolf senses, no great hearing, strength, or the ability to sniff for miles, but for some strange reason, she sensed an unease in the air.
“What are you worried about?”
“I’m not worried.”
Karina wasn’t convinced. “It’s been a long time since you held my hand as we walked to the town square. I’m not going to get lost.”
“I just want to make sure you’re okay,” Rose said.
This made her frown even more. “Why wouldn’t I be okay?” None of this worrying made any sense.
“You do realize what is going to happen in a few minutes, don’t you?” Rose asked.
Karina rolled her eyes. “Yes, all the young and willing females are going to stand in line while a brand-new alpha assesses us like we’re big fat, juicy cows, and he’s about to order a steak.”
Rose burst out laughing. “Wow, okay, yeah, that is exactly what’s going to happen, we just won’t be cooked on a grill afterward.”
She wanted to joke some more with her sister but sensed as much as Rose had laughed at her analogy, she wouldn’t appreciate the continued mocking. “Why are you so worried?”
“You’ve got to stand in that line?”
“Don’t worry, standing straight shouldn’t be a problem. So long as there is nothing spiky or dangerous, I shouldn’t harm anyone.”
“What if he chooses you?” Rose asked.
This made her frown. “Why would he choose me?” That made no sense to her at all. “Rose, honey, darling sister, I’m not even a full wolf. I don’t turn. I don’t do anything. I’m pretty much a human with a wolf family. Trust me, I’m a dud and there’s no way he’s going to pick me. You should be more worried about him choosing you.”
“Shut up,” Rose said.
“What? You’re worried about him choosing me and what all that means, but come on, Rose. You’re beautiful, sweet, kind, and I’ve even heard rumor you can be a bit of a bitch.” She quickly pressed a finger against her lips to make light of the insult she heard thrown at her sister a few times—mainly from the males her sister wouldn’t bed, but that was beside the point. “Don’t worry about me. I will be passed over and you will not have to worry at all.”
They arrived at the town square and she already saw the women lined up like cows, ready to be picked. It was kind of sick and weird, but according to her father, this is what had to happen. This was the agreement.
She didn’t agree to any of it, not in the least, but she couldn’t argue with anyone, it wasn’t her place.
Rose didn’t let go of her hand but before she could join the queue, her father grabbed her and quickly pulled her in for a hug.
“It’s going to be okay,” he said.
She didn’t like this.
“I know.” She rubbed her father’s back and then her mother pulled her in for a hug. This was unexpected, and then, one by one, her three brothers grabbed her and hugged her. This didn’t exactly bode well for her. Did they know something she didn’t? Gale, Sean, and Ben pulled her in against them, hugging her.
Rose got a similar hug as well, and Karina walked toward the line, and stood. She had a horrible urge to salute her family but chose not to. Instead, she held her sister’s hand, because Rose had grabbed it again.