Page 25 of Daddy in Blue

I collected a wipe from the package and cleansed his skin before rolling everything up together and placing it on the floor to dispose of in a moment. I lifted the clean diaper and waved it over Henley to dry his skin before pouring a blob of pink lotion onto my palms.

I started rubbing the cream on his thighs, giving him a chance to get used to my touch, or to tell me to stop if he needed me to, but he didn't. He allowed my slick hands to creep up his legs and onto his groin. I kept my touch quick and light as I spread the lotion on his skin, but that didn't stop his body from reacting.

His cock began to plump and thicken, and Henley gave a quiet whimper from behind his pacifier. Because of the binky, I couldn't fully read his expression, but I didn't want him to get nervous, as he'd done at the dairy bar.

So, I slid the new diaper beneath him as I reminded him, "It's okay to enjoy Daddy's touch. I always want to make you feel good, but it's okay to just want playtime, too." It was becoming clear to me that Henley preferred to separate little time and intimate touching. Maybe one day that would change, or maybe it wouldn't, and I was totally fine with it either way.

"Almost done," I told him as I placed his shorts around his feet and hiked them up his legs. "There we go; good as new."

As soon as I was finished, Henley sat up and hugged me around my middle, squishing his toy bear between us. The moment had obviously meant as much to him as it did to me. It had opened up new levels of comfort and trust, and helped me learn more about his needs and boundaries. It cemented me as his caretaker, and him as my little boy. I wasn't sure how to verbally express the wonders of the moment, but I decided the tight hug was doing a damn fine job; I could feel the same emotions radiating through Henley's embrace.

When we released one another, I hurried into the bathroom to dispose of the garbage and wash my hands before rushing back to Henley and saying, "I've got a few more things to order online, but I need your help." He smiled around his binky and nodded. I helped him off of the bed.

I took him back to the living room, where I sat on the love seat and pulled him onto my lap, smiling when the padding of his diaper settled on my thighs. I pulled out my phone and together, we looked through websites and picked out some cute diapers that were printed with teddy bears (which looked an awful lot like Officer Bear), a few more toys, and some clothes, including a T-shirt that had an orange race car on the front.

When it was time to check out, Henley offered to help pay, but I explained that it was my pleasure to buy the items for him. I made a good living, and had waited for so long to be able to provide for and spoil someone with it. He didn't argue, and even thanked me with a tight hug and a kiss on the lips.

I arranged for everything to be delivered to my place; partly because I was greedy, and wanted to be with Henley when he played with his toys and tried on his new clothes. But also, I was excited to have him in my home. The space was larger, so he would have more room to play.

"Are you getting hungry?” I asked when I heard his belly growl, and Henley nodded. "I'll start on dinner. Why don't you play with your cars and I'll tell you when the food is ready?"

He popped the pacifier out of his mouth and asked, "Can I play at the table?” His cheeks tinged the slightest shade of pink when he added, "I want to be with you."

"Of course you can." I wanted him as close as possible.

We mosied into the attached kitchen, and Henley drove his cars around the dinette while I prepared dinner. I wanted to make something that appealed to his little side and would be tasty, but also nutritious. So, I decided on dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and mini ears of corn on the cob.

"It's time to wash up," I told Henley when I took the nuggets out of the oven. My boy gathered up his cars, put them in their bucket, and then joined me at the sink. I squirted a blob of soap onto his palms and lathered it into suds, making sure to scrub between his fingers.

Henley gave himself over to my guidance perfectly. He let me take charge, and things felt totally natural between us. His little side was obviously ready and willing to come through for Daddy.