Daddy's kiss was so good that it sent whatever blood didn't flush my face rushing south. My cock was stiff and throbbing with excitement, but the rest of me was nervous.
Daddy squinted his eyes as he looked at me curiously. "Is something wrong?"
I didn't want to lie to him, but I was embarrassed to tell him the truth. My face grew hot as I admitted, "I…I can't stand up."
"Is it too high? I'll help you."
Daddy slipped his hands beneath his jacket I wore, settling his hands on my hips. But before he pulled me to the ground, I gripped his wrists and exclaimed, "No, don't!"
He immediately removed his hands, holding them up towards his chest. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to overstep."
"No! You didn't!" My eyes prickled as I was overtaken with guilt from ruining our special moment. I told Daddy I wanted him to lead me and take control, and then immediately made him think the opposite, just because I was nervous. I had to come clean. "I…I was just scared."
"Of me?" The pain in his voice was like a punch to the gut.
"No!" I felt stupid as a tear bubbled out over my eyelid, but I couldn't help it; I was overwhelmed by too many emotions at once. But more than anything, I never wanted to hurt Daddy's feelings or make him think he did something wrong. "I was afraid you'd see." His eyes squinted in confusion once more. I took a deep breath and added, "Your kisses just felt so good…"
I trailed off, but I knew he understood when his expression relaxed into a soft smile. "Oh, my sweet kitten." Daddy slowly reached forward to gently wipe away my lone tear. Then he leaned down, wrapped his arms around my waist, and rested his cheek against mine so that his lips were by my ear to whisper, "I understand. I know this is all new to you. I'm so happy that Daddy's kisses made you feel good, but I know it can be confusing when your headspace feels little but your body feels big."
How could he put my emotions into words when I couldn't even understand them myself? The man was magical.
"Thank you for telling me what was going on. You never have to feel embarrassed or scared. Daddy is here to help, remember?" I nodded and felt him smiling against my skin. "Everything is just fine. And I think there's something you should see."
Keeping his hands on my hips, he took a step back and stood upright before dropping his gaze along his body. I followed the direction with my eyes, which popped open wide when they landed on the bulge in his jeans. Daddy wasn't a bit embarrassed, and judging by the size of the lump, he had no reason to be. It was impressive.
"Your kisses made Daddy feel good too," he said as he closed the gap between us again, unfortunately blocking my view.
But I did enjoy having him closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head against his. "Thank you." I wasn't thanking him for showing me his boner, although I totally should have, because wow. I was thanking him for his thoughtfulness and care; the way he put me at ease and understood my needs and feelings.
He snuggled me close for a few minutes before sighing. "It really is getting chilly; and late. I should get you back to your car so you can get home before you get too sleepy. I need you to be safe while you drive."
As much as I didn't want our night to end, and I definitely didn't want to leave him, I also appreciated his concern. He made it easy to follow his lead, so I nodded my agreement.
This time when Daddy offered me his hand, I took it and allowed him to help me off of the trunk. Daddy was a gentleman and didn't even peek at my pants. It was probably for the best, since my bulge disappeared from my nerves, and there wasn't anything exciting to see.
He got me all buckled into the passenger seat before he threw away our garbage and joined me behind the wheel.
"Let's get this heater running and my boy all warmed up," Daddy said as he turned on the cruiser's engine. But what he didn't realize was that his care was enough to warm me to my core.
It had been an emotional but amazing first date together, and I couldn't wait to find out what came next.
Chapter Five
My heart raced as I parked in the lot outside of Henley's apartment. I was excited to see him again, even though we'd just gone out to dinner the night before. I couldn't get enough of my sweet boy.
While I loved our burger and ice cream date, I was even more excited for today's activities; Henley and I were having our first playdate, when he would be immersed in his little headspace.