It wasn’t a bad idea. Amaru actually grabbed up his stick and tinkered with his design. Maybe the moonlight should be housed in the ice balls and the ice dick could carry the rainbow mist and black powder.

In the end, they returned to his regular design because he couldn’t guarantee the rainbow mist and moonlight would release at the same time. Plus, Gregori complained about exploding ice dicks in the sky.

The cleared field was covered in melting ice tubes and a scattering of penis-shaped icicles, but they finally had something that might work. With extreme care, Nikki placed the moonlight in the first tube while Amaru mixed the black powder Gregori gave him with the rainbow mist.

“Ravi, remember that you have to move fast,” Luka admonished as he sealed the smaller tube inside the one holding the moonlight. “The ice will start to melt as soon as it’s in your hand. You need to launch the tube at the clouds before the moonlight can escape.”

Ravi had already shifted into his dragon form. He snorted and shook his head. “I’m faster than the wind, snowman.”

With a final roll of his eyes, Luka placed the ice tubes in Ravi’s palm. The wind dragon was little more than a blue streak as he raced into the sky, faster than any dragon Amaru had ever seen. The lightning dragons could move in a flash, but only over short bursts. Ravi’s flight was flawlessly smooth and frighteningly quick.

Just before it seemed like the blue speck was going to disappear into a large thunderhead, he stopped and made a throwing motion.

Amaru grabbed Nikki’s hands with both of his. They were both practically vibrating as they watched and waited. This was such a crazy idea. There was so little chance of it actually working. He—

White washed through the cloud before his eyes, seeming to drain away all the gray. By the gods, the moonlight was working!


“Fuck! That was too much black powder,” Gregori muttered.

It didn’t matter. The clouds became a different color in an instant. One was strawberry red. The one next to it vibrant new-leaf green. Another sunny yellow. On and on. All the colors of the rainbow spread across the sky.

“Holy shit! I can’t believe we did that!” Nikki screeched.

“It’s beautiful,” Amaru whispered. “Just beautiful.” So much better than gray, stormy skies.

A hand landed on his shoulder and he looked up to see Luka smiling at him. “That is pretty amazing.”

The words had barely left his lips when a deep, long roll of thunder rumbled out of the multicolored clouds, followed by the soft patter of fat raindrops.

Amaru held up a hand, catching the rain to find that it wasn’t clear. “Huh. Green rain.”

“It’s blue over here.” Vasily held up his hand to show it was now streaked with pale blue.

Ravi landed next to them and shifted into his human form, his face spotted with purple water.

“Shit,” Gregori growled. “Rodrigo is going to freak. You know what? I was never here.” The ice dragon snagged his backpack and sprinted back to the camp, leaving them all behind.

“I think Gregori has the right idea,” Vasily stated.

Luka nodded. “Yep. We were never here.” With a laugh, both dragons ran toward the camp, leaving Amaru laughing so hard he could hardly keep his balance as he ran with Nikki and Ravi. Even if they got in trouble, it was worth it. Totally worth it.

Vasily had certainly had worse mornings, but he could not say this morning ranked as good either. For one thing, Luka had disappeared before he had woken, again. He’d been there for the explosions yesterday, but it seemed as though Luka was avoiding being alone with Vasily. Frankly, he was a little surprised he’d seen Luka yesterday at all with the way he was acting. If his mate was avoiding him so assiduously, things might very well be going to shit. There was no rationalizing or trying to deny it. Luka was definitely avoiding him. Worse, it seemed like he was avoiding Amaru too. It was not a difficult equation. Luka seemed to be of the opinion that Amaru and Vasily were mates but he was not.

Part of Vasily feared Luka might be right, but he couldn’t be. Vasily’s dragon had been very firm and smug yesterday when confirming that the three of them were mates. He was ever so grateful for that confirmation because without it he might well have shared Luka’s fears. Vasily firmly held on to the hope that his dragon was right. He just did not understand why Luka’s dragon wasn’t saying something. Or was fear drowning the dragon’s voice out?

He didn’t know, and he wouldn’t know until he was able to find Luka.

The first thing he did upon waking was look for Luka, but wherever his lover had disappeared to, it wasn’t anywhere near the camp. Yes, he could track Luka down, but before he left the camp he wanted to at least say something to Amaru and make sure his mage was all right without both of them—at least for the hour it would take to track Luka down.