Nikki wasn’t the only one who wondered about their connection. Luka had a lot of questions about that himself, but he hadn’t yet found the right moment to ask. Or really, he hadn’t found the courage to ask. He had a gut feeling Amaru had been able to connect with Vasily because they were mates. Luka may have just been in close enough proximity to have been reachable as well.

“I honestly don’t know who is more excited to wake everyone up at this point. I know Amaru is very excited—understandably so—but all the other dragon clans are as well. It means so many potential mates for all of us.” Gunter winced a little before adding on apologetically, “I don’t know how this will play out, but if Amaru and Vasily are mates—”

Nikki promptly threw an elbow into his ribs. “What the hell are you saying right now?”

Gunter jumped, already on the defensive. “I’m only saying that in history there has never been a triad with two dragons and a mage.”

Luka’s heart sank. He had feared that might be the case, but hearing those words out of Gunter’s mouth felt like a judge’s gavel striking down. Like his fate was sealed. Honestly, he didn’t know whether to rage or cry and found himself frozen instead. It felt almost inevitable. Like all of his worst fears were realized even though nothing had been decided yet.

“There’s never been mention of a non-binary mage in history either,” Nikki shot back, a frown tugging at the corners of their mouth. “And yet here I stand. You of all people should know better than to put too much faith in those historical records. Considering how much was lost, we can’t judge everything by them.”

Gunter gave a half-hearted shrug. “Point made. I’m not trying to cause trouble here. But Luka, if the worst does happen, I don’t want you to feel like you have to stay here. You are always welcome with the Burkhards.”

The offer was very sweet and generous. Luka was not about to dismiss it. “Shouldn’t you ask for permission before you say those things?”

Gunter snorted like he was being ridiculous. “I can assure you, my king and consort will have no issue with what I said. Besides, we are finding new mage clans and families every day, it feels like. Because of the website, they tend to come to us more than here in Brazil.”

“That’s true.” Nikki nodded in support of this. “These days, the mages almost outnumber the dragons. I’m not saying you need to consider this right now. You might very well be able to keep Vasily. Just because history records don’t have a triad in them doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Besides, even if it’s never been done before, there is always the first time.”

Luka appreciated what Nikki said and the support being offered. Unfortunately, it didn’t do much to overcome the fear churning inside him. He feared Gunter was right. He feared he would be single again for the first time in centuries before the month was even out. And while he kept telling himself to hold on to hope, it felt like a very thin line leading to nowhere.

Somehow, from somewhere, he managed to dredge up a smile. “If it comes down to that, then trust me, I will definitely consider Germany.”

Nikki shot Gunter another challenging look. “My bet is it won’t come down to that.”

Gunter favored his mate with an indulgent smile. “You’re ever the optimist.”

“That is my job in this relationship, yes. Anyway, Luka, if you need a listening ear, I am always available. Also, if Amaru needs a shopping buddy, I am absolutely down for that. I’m sure at this point the poor guy has no clothes to speak of.”

“He’s borrowed some of my things for now. But you’re correct, we will have to do some proper shopping. Thanks, both of you.”

“Don’t mention it.”

“Anyway, back to my original point.” Gunter once again gestured toward the water. “I know you weren’t in any state to do actual reporting, but Evora took quite a few pictures, correct?”

“That’s right.”

“I’d like to have a copy of all of those. For historical records, you understand.”

Ah, yes, that made sense. Of course he would be interested in having the pictures of everything before it was disturbed.

Luka fell into a discussion with them of how to get the pictures, of what else he experienced and saw, but even as they talked, a part of him wasn’t involved in the conversation. Part of him was still dwelling on the possibility that he might not be the first recorded triad in history.

He might instead be yet another name on the list of those who had lost in the competition with a mage.

If it came down to that, then he probably would take up their invitation to move to Germany. It would be far too painful to stay here and watch Vasily fall in love with someone else. Even trying to imagine that nearly split his heart in two. Watching it would be impossible. It would be salt in an open wound for it to be Amaru, too, because Luka was attracted to the mage. His dragon had not said anything to him, though, which worried him as well.