“Months, honestly. But they were so sporadic. I only had one, then a second one a month later. It wasn’t nearly as vivid as it was tonight, either.”

“Huh. Think hard, love. Did he say anything else?”

“Something about being awake enough to finally reach us? He spoke in the plural about who he was talking to.”


Vasily eyed his expression, knowing the way Luka’s mouth scrunched up very well. “That’s your ‘this is interesting but I have no idea what to do about it right now’ look.”

“I do not have that look,” Luka said, wrinkling his nose.

“You absolutely have that look. You wear it often when Sam gives you curveballs, too.”

“To be fair, that man exists to break my brain. What he knows, and how he thinks, sometimes defies human limitations. I’m so glad he’s Dimitri’s problem and not ours.”

“Preach. Okay, back on topic. If we’re dreaming the same thing, doesn’t that go into seer realm?”

“It does. Which is why I’m a little uneasy about this. My vote is, we try to figure out where the path is and where it leads. The fact you started over Sousa Clan territory also tells me this might be very important. How, I don’t know, but anything Sousa related should be figured out if we can.”

“Yes, agreed.” Sousa information was like gold nuggets. Perhaps even more precious than that. Not only for magical society as a whole, but for Sam in particular. Dimitri was not only clan, but Vasily’s brother, and he’d do anything to protect and help Dimitri’s mate. That went without saying. If they could figure out the secrets of the Sousa and repair Sam’s broken core, then a lot of stress would be lifted off those two.

Luka left the bed to grab his phone, pulling up a notetaking app. “Okay, start from the beginning. You started at the Sousa Clan and headed north. North where? How far did you get in the dream?”

It was so like his intellectual Luka to take notes while the dream was still fresh in Vasily’s mind.

“It wasn’t straight north. More like northwest? I headed away from the coastline completely, over the mountains.”

Luka flicked between screens, bringing up a map of South America. “Where?”

“I’m not entirely sure. Honestly, I was too focused on him, and there were whole sections of the land I didn’t recognize. But I am sure of the direction.”

“Any sign of slowing down?”

“No.” Vasily was sure of that. “We were in full flight. If anything, gaining altitude. Like we had a long way to go still.”

“Huh. There’s a few large lakes along that path, but not many. Did it feel like you were going to fly over the Amazon?”

Vasily had to think about it for a second. “Yes…? I can’t say why I feel that way, but we were definitely headed that direction at least. Luka, what are you making of this?”

“I don’t know. I’m just trying to get facts down. I think we better ask Dimitri and Sam about this, though, come morning.”

It didn’t take a lot of math to put that equation together. “Dimitri because he knows the land along that route better, and Sam because it’s Sousa.”

“Yup.” Luka saved the notes before putting his phone down on the nightstand with a soft clatter. Then he turned back, eyeing Vasily in an evaluating way. “It’s still only one a.m. Can you go back to sleep?”

“I can try. Think I’ll pick the dream back up if I do?”

“Doesn’t hurt to hope for it.”

Seemed like that was all they’d done over the years. Hope. Hope for mages to come back, hope for mates, hope they’d not be split apart when their mate came. Vasily was used to hope. Sometimes that hope was even realized in the best of ways. Luka was right—no harm in trying.

Vasily had a feeling, though, he wouldn’t dream anything more tonight, which frustrated him. It was like watching a movie and being forced to stop ten minutes before the ending.

Well, maybe Dimitri and Sam could unravel this more in the morning. Even if he didn’t dream anything else tonight. No sense worrying about it now.

He settled back on the bed, Luka cuddling against his chest. Vasily ran his fingers through Luka’s white-blond hair, an action both of them found soothing. He deliberately closed his eyes and relaxed his body, but to no avail. Sleep eluded him completely, his mind whirling with possibilities and questions. In order: Who was this man appearing in their dreams? Why appear to him and Luka, of all people? And why did he keep leading them northward? What was it he needed specifically for them to do? Too many questions with only hints of answers that eluded him in dreams.

Dawn was very slow in coming.

Luka rubbed tired, bleary eyes. Neither he nor Vasily had gotten much sleep last night after discussing the dream they’d shared. He’d drifted in and out, but upon waking each time, he’d jolted up and looked to his lover stretched beside him, only to have Vasily shake his head. No new dreams.