Well, Vasily could not argue with that. “But we need to focus on hope, my love.”

“Because he’s talking to both of us?”


“You know there could be another reason.”

Luka was ever practical, and Vasily couldn’t argue because he had no idea why the mage could enter their dreams to begin with.

“Vasily.” Luka’s hands wrapped around Vasily’s. “If he’s yours, then—”

“Shh.” He didn’t want to hear it. His heart couldn’t bear it. “We’ll talk about this only if it comes true.”

Luka dipped his head into a nod, still tense and unhappy.

“I love you.” Vasily meant every word. Repeating them over years and years together had never worn those words smooth. He felt them deeply each time he said them. Even if the mage and Luka were the perfect match, he couldn’t regret loving this man. He could never do that.

“I love you just as much.”

Luka turned in his arms, sliding one hand up into Vasily’s hair, angling in for a kiss. He met Luka halfway, the kiss soft and sweet. Even after centuries together, Luka’s kiss still thrilled him. He tasted those lips, eyes fluttering closed, and some part of him prayed he’d still be able to kiss this man next week. Next year. Next century.

A slender hand dropped to his waist, pulling at the shorts there, tugging them open enough for his fingers to slip inside. Luka wanted sex, and Vasily was ready to oblige him. Right now, they could both use the reassurance.

He tugged Luka’s shirt off, tossing it carelessly to the floor. His hands and eyes roved over Luka’s pale skin like he’d never seen it before. And yet it was all so very familiar to him. He could map it with his eyes closed, but he took his time…lips trailing over every sensitive spot, grazing teeth against his nipples as Luka liked it best.

Luka knew how to please too, his hand working Vasily’s dick like a maestro. His fingertips played with the underside, stroking the main nerve, before his thumb came up to massage the tip. It felt glorious. Vasily was torn between having him do that the rest of the night and telling him to stop before he came right then.

Leaning in, Luka bit at his ear. “You’re so easy to rile up.”

“Guilty. And you have fun riling me up.”

“Guilty,” Luka riposted, a happy hum wrapped around the word.

The teasing was effective, too, Vasily’s impatience rising. He stripped Luka’s pants to his feet, with Luka kicking them away, then knelt by degrees, mouth trailing down over snowy skin. Luka leaned back against the counter, a sigh slipping free from his throat as Vasily got his mouth on the base of his cock.

To him, Luka always tasted a bit like coolness. Like his ice dragon lurked just below the skin’s surface, hinting it was there. The skin warmed steadily as he got his mouth properly around the tip, sucking idly. Right now, he was in no hurry. He’d rile up Luka just as much, returning the favor.

Those fingers were back in Vasily’s hair, tangling, gripping to the point of pain as Luka sank into Vasily’s mouth over and over. Vasily enjoyed every second of it.

Luka lifted Vasily’s hand, bringing it to his mouth, sucking on a finger until it was good and wet. Knowing his silent cue all too well, he brought his hand down to Luka’s entrance. His wet digit slipped in easily, but he only took it to the first knuckle, just teasing, not giving Luka what he really wanted.

“You bastard.” Luka groaned. “I swear, if you went a full day without teasing me, you’d expire on the spot.”

He hummed agreement, not denying it. Hearing the earthy catch in Luka’s throat, feeling the impatient shift of his hips, made it all hotter for him. Teasing, then satisfying Luka was the epitome of pleasure for Vasily.

A climbing whine built in Luka’s throat. Ah, he was truly being driven over the edge. Perfect. Vasily teased a little more, but he knew Luka’s limits, and he was teetering right on the edge. Best to not push him too far.

Vasily pulled off, enjoying the noise of protest from Luka, but also knowing he’d best get pants out of the way and lube over here. Otherwise he’d miss the timing altogether. He kicked his shorts off while leaning over the bed, snagging a tube of lube from his duffle bag’s side pocket.

His lover welcomed him immediately, pulling Vasily in with both arms wrapped around his shoulders. Vasily sank into the kiss, enjoying the leisurely exploration very much as Luka’s tongue invaded his mouth. Without prompting, Luka lifted one leg, wrapping it around Vasily’s waist, giving him not only access but a hint.

So impatient, this one. He mentally smiled even as he popped the lid off the lube, squeezing a generous amount onto his fingers, giving Luka exactly what he wanted. Luka broke the kiss with a groan, eyes turning gold as passion ignited. His fingers dug into Vasily’s shoulders, breath shortening until it turned to panting.