Plus, the trio was happily together. The entire clan had spent two hundred and fifty years worrying about Luka and Vasily and what would happen if they ever found their mage. To have all those worries proven to be nothing was a definite relief. Gregori felt like he had given Amaru good advice and a boot in the right direction, though he frankly could not wait for their bonding ceremony. He was going to give an absolutely wicked toast.
A happily ever after indeed.
Sam’s family had flown down in force for the ceremony, of course. There were a lot of happy tears and hugs, with only some of it fueled by alcohol. (At least three people had spiked the wedding punch. Gregori knew that for a fact, as he’d watched them do it. No, he hadn’t stopped them. Where was the fun in that?)
They’d gone for a beach wedding, and with the sun setting over the water, it was a truly beautiful sight. The blue of the water, the golds, purples, and oranges of the setting sun, all washed over the white-and-silver themed decorations. People were dancing on the beach, a few drunkards were singing in the old tongue, and the area was filled with lots of laughter and conversation. Gregori hadn’t seen his clan this happy since mages started popping back up. It was a very, very good evening.
Normally, with a party this good, he’d kick back, drink, and enjoy. But something had caught his attention.
To be specific, someone.
Salem, Sam’s twin, wasn’t in the throng. He sat on the outside edge, on the grass, watching with a faint smile. The sunset washed over him, touching on that thick, dark brown hair, bathing his paler skin in warm tones. He looked downright edible, in fact.
Yeah. Gregori would love to get his hands on that.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? He took his beer with him as he sauntered over. Salem didn’t twitch, just glanced in his direction before focusing again on whatever it was he looked at.
“Mind if I join you?” Gregori waved to a patch of grass near him.
“Feel free.”
All right, good start. Gregori dropped into place, sitting close enough to feel the body heat off the man, but far enough away to not crowd him.
“Whatcha staring at?”
“My brother.” Salem’s faint smile grew. “When he first told us he was coming down here, my parents tried really hard to talk him out of it. I didn’t think it was a good idea either, but I recognized there was no talking him out of it, so I didn’t argue. Turns out, it was serendipity he did come down here alone. Who knew he was a dragon’s mate?”
“No one. But I’m just as happy he did come.”
“Happy, relieved, bemused. I’m all of that. Samuel’s focus on fixing his core paid off, in the end.” Salem shook his head before lifting his beer to his lips. “People have got to stop underestimating my brother. He’s a smart man, he knows what he’s doing.”
“That he is. Any reason why you’re over here and not over there?”
Salem took another swig with a grimace. “Too much gushing. My parents are a little too thrilled Sam’s finally married. They’re positive he’ll be happy now. Also positive they’ll get grandkids soon.”
“Ah. Well, they might at that.” Gregori shrugged in ignorance. He had no idea what Dimitri and Sam had decided in terms of kids.
“Is that all you dragons think about? Mates and kids? You don’t have any fun?”
Oh-ho, look at that expression. Salem eyed him up and down with definite interest. Gregori felt his libido sit up and take notice. “I wouldn’t say that. It’s not like we’re celibate as we wait for our mates to show up.”
“I did hear that.” Salem was definitely interested, leaning in slightly toward Gregori. “Nikki said something about dragons being able to partially shift. And doing really fun things with their tongues.”
“It’s a skill we all develop.” Gregori leaned in as well, putting his mouth closer to Salem’s ear. “If you’d like a demonstration, I’d be happy to oblige.”
“Oh, I’m definitely interested in a demonstration,” Salem purred back.
“How about we go inside?” Gregori offered. “Four walls, A/C, and lube await in my room.”
“Lead the way.”
Fuck yeah. The only thing that could make tonight even better was hot jungle sex, and it looked like Gregori was going to get lucky.
He tried not to look too eager as he stood up, offering Salem a hand. The mage took it with a smile that was filled with anticipation. His hand felt good in Gregori’s—a little too perfect, truth be told. Keeping on the outskirts of the party, he led the way inside. Gregori’s room was toward the middle of the courtyard area, along the left side, and there was basically no one here except a drunk guest sleeping on one of the benches.