“Since this is only a scouting mission, minimal supplies are needed. We’ll fly in and out. We should be ready to go in two days at the latest.”
“Okay. Get it done. If there’s a Sousa mage trapped out there, we need to find him as quickly as possible. And if we’re lucky, he won’t be the only one.”
Luka flopped onto the mattress, his eyes burning and his head aching. The day had started too early and run too long. Dimitri’s whole “only a scouting mission” and “minimal supplies needed” were a bunch of horse shit. There had been endless errands to run, mages to track down, bags to pack, and research to complete. Not to mention, they had to ensure everything was running smoothly with the Sousa village site before they ran off to make a mess somewhere else.
He just wanted sleep.
“Come on, love.” Vasily prodded him, his deep bass voice softer than usual. “You’re almost there. Just get under the covers.”
Luka mumbled something into his pillows. Without lifting his head, he scratched at the bed until he finally caught the edge of the blankets and pulled them down. Bare skin hit cool sheets and Luka sighed. His very wise mate had caught him before he could collapse and convinced him to shed his clothes. He might not care whether he fell asleep in his clothes now, but when he woke up, it would make him grumpy. He’d left on only a pair of boxers. Sam might have promised not to lurk at their bedside, but neither of them were taking any chances. Even if Dimitri slept on the mage in his dragon form, Sam would still find a way to sneak out.
Sleep claimed Luka even as the mattress shifted beside him and Vasily pressed a kiss to his temple. He wanted to roll over to kiss his sweet mate more thoroughly, but rolling took too much energy. Kissing was even too much.
Luka went from his comfy bed to flying. But not as a dragon. He was hovering above the world in his human form. That was…strange.
“There you are! Do you know how long I’ve been trying to reach you?” That familiar voice was exasperated and relieved.
Luka twisted in the misty air and found the man Dimitri had told him about. No, the man he’d seen in his own dreams so many times but could never recall. Something inside him ached as he stared at the man in front of him, ignoring it as best he could. He still didn’t understand why both he and Vasily dreamed of this man, and the possible reasons scared him, but this was a mage who needed saving. At the end of the day, that was what mattered the most. Determination filled Luka. He could focus on that and things would be okay. They would.
“I remember you,” Luka said finally.
The man’s eyes glowed and a smile spread across his face. “I should hope so!”
“No, I don’t remember my dreams. I can never recall what happened when I wake up.”
The man tipped his head back and groaned. “No wonder this is taking so long. I guess I should have focused on the other one.”
Luka threw out his hands in front of him and waved them frantically. “No! I can do this. I can remember this time. I swear! We’re coming for you. We think we’ve got the location.”
“Okay, let’s try this one more time. Concentrate. Remember!”
The strange man with the shaggy brown hair had barely finished speaking when Luka noticed they were hovering above the Sousa village. The buildings looked almost new and intricately woven blankets with bright colors waved in the breeze. There was intact pottery and mosaics painted on the walls. But no people.
Before he could ask, they were soaring through the air. The lush green rainforest below was little more than a blur. They moved faster and faster, but the sensation was weird. No wind whistled past his ears and there was no chill biting at his skin.
No! Focus!
They were moving northwest from the village. This felt more like Venezuela.
After what seemed to be only seconds, they slowed down as they approached a vast lake. Or maybe it was an inlet or bay just off the coast that opened to the Gulf of Venezuela and the Caribbean Sea. Day had become night and the sky crackled with strike after strike of white lightning.
They came to a stop as dark clouds roiled and bubbled overhead. Lightning slammed down again, seeming to almost form an electric spiderweb.
“Here! Where the water is the deepest!” the man shouted.
Luka stared down at the water, his gaze skimming over to the shoreline, trying to memorize landmarks while praying they were still there now.
When he lifted his eyes, he jolted. The man was right in front of him, so close Luka could make out the thick fringe of his eyelashes as they framed wide chestnut brown eyes over an adorable button nose. The man lifted both hands and cupped Luka’s cheeks. And while he could feel no cold from the wind, Luka swore he could feel the warmth of the man’s touch.