“Dawn!” I wasn’t quiet. “Dawn!” No answer. So I went looking in the stalls. No one. “Mother fuck!”

I hurried out of the bathroom and into the hallway. Empty. The station the hotel had set up had only a couple of people manning it, but Dawn was nowhere I could see.

“Dawn!” The men at the makeshift weather center looked back at me, but Dawn was nowhere in sight.

“Talk to me, Suz! She’s not here! Where the fuck is she?”

“The hotel entrance. There’s an ATM next to it. She just got there. Everything else is out with the electricity. Almond is with her. He’s trying to force her outside, but she’s fighting him. Hurry, Cliff!”

I took off at a dead run. Thank God I’d thought to bring my gun. It was in a holster at the small of my back and I drew it now, chambering a round as I ran. Rounding the corner, I saw them. Across the darkened lobby, Dawn struggled with a man much bigger than her. She fought him, but when he backhanded her, she crumpled to the floor. Rage flooded me, making my blood boil with the need to kill this motherfucker.

Almond dragged Dawn to her feet by her hair. She cried out, her hands going to her scalp to relieve the pressure, which gave her attacker an opening to punch her abdomen. She crumpled to the floor.

“Stupid bitch! All you had to do was get me the money! If you had, I might have let you live. Now, you’re going straight to hell where all bad little whores go.”

I kept moving, sprinting now. The length of the lobby seemed like it was the length of a football field with me on one end and Dawn on the other.

“Get away from me!” Dawn screamed, kicking out even as she clutched the side of her belly where that bastard had kicked her. I continued to run, trying to get to her, but it felt like I was moving in quicksand. She connected with the inside of one knee and Almond screamed. So she did it again, and one more time before his knee gave way and he went down.

Dawn got to her feet and… went medieval on his ass. With a cry, she kicked and stomped before falling on him and pounding his face with her fists. Girl could throw a punch too. She didn’t stay on him like that long before she got back to her feet and started kicking again. Doubtless her fists hurt, even though she’d gone for his nose instead of his cheek or other parts of his face over bone.

He fought back, managing to land a hit to her thigh just as I got to them. Dawn gave an angry scream before stomping the living fuck outta this guy’s nuts. Where Almond had tried to fight back before, faced with a furious female fighting back, he was surprisingly passive. He tried to protect himself, but Dawn pummeled him, stomping and kicking with all the strength in her shapely legs. It didn’t help that every time he tried to fight back, Dawn landed another score to his privates. I was pretty sure I heard a bone in his hand crunch more than once. The man squealed and whimpered like the little bitch he was.

“Dawn, let me take it from here.”

“Motherfucker!” she screamed as she continued to pummel the guy, either not hearing or ignoring me. “Have your daddy get you out of this!” Another kick to his balls. “I got news for you, you son of a bitch.” She kicked him again, then knelt so that she could get right in his face as she spat on him. Then she said something I didn’t expect. “I was gonna have them all let you live because I didn’t want to be the one to sign your death warrant. Even said so when my man finally got the truth outta me. But you know what? Neither me nor my dad will lose more of our souls by dealing with trash like you. In fact, killing you might just help him grow a piece of it back.”

“Dawn.” I tried to get her attention without startling her. The last thing I needed was her fighting me and this motherfucker getting away. Though, I wasn’t sure the bastard was capable of doing anything other than lying there and moaning. Mostly, he just whimpered and did his best to beg her to stop. Dawn didn’t take her gaze from the motherfucker currently staring up at her in confusion and horror while he cupped his groin.

“Ice, may I have your gun, please?”

“No, w-wait! Y-you c-can’t do th-this! I’ll b-be m-missed!” His words were muddled and he shivered in pain.

“You might be missed,” Dawn conceded. “That’s true. But I’m betting your family will breathe a sigh of relief they don’t have to continually pay someone to keep your sorry ass out of prison, and the rest of the campus and community won’t have to wonder who the next woman to be brutally raped and murdered will be.” She stood before kicking him in the face this time. “Killing you will be a fucking community service.”