“Nothing you need to worry about yet. I’ll give you plenty of heads-up if I need assistance. Just know there are extenuating circumstances.”

“She good?”

“For now. I’ll let you know if that changes.”

There was a pause as Thorn moved. I could hear background noise around him. Men talking. Women. Then a door shut and the noise was gone. I heard a chair squeak as Thorn must have sat.

“What the fuck’s goin’ on, Ice?”

“Nothing I can’t handle.”

“Not good enough!” he snapped. “This is El Diablo’s daughter we’re talkin’ about.”

“Believe me, Thorn. Of all the things I’m oblivious to, the fact that I’ve got the Devil’s daughter in my care isn’t one of them.” Respect only went so far. While I admired Thorn and all he’d done for ExFil and Salvation’s Bane, he didn’t get to order me around. I wasn’t patched into Bane, and he definitely wasn’t my president. I’d still answer to Cain but only because he was my former president and boss as well as my father. “I wouldn’t have mentioned anything at all, but I didn’t want to blindside you. And I absolutely will not take chances with her.”

“Good. Then you’ll tell me what the fuck’s goin’ on.” There was steel in his voice. I didn’t like it.

“Thorn, you’re one of my dad’s oldest friends, and I appreciate all you’ve done for him both in the club and with ExFil. But you don’t get to demand shit from me.”

“I do when you’re performing a service in my fuckin’ name.”

“Tell El Diablo I’ve gone rogue. Whatever you like that will let you off the hook. His daughter told me something in confidence, and I’m not breaking that trust unless it’s life or death. I realize it’s a shit move to tell you there might be a problem, then not give you all the information, but this girl is in my care. I’ll make the decisions I need to, to keep her safe and bring her back to her father. Besides, I can handle this myself without incident. I only mentioned it so I don’t get caught flat-footed.”

“You better be right about this, Ice.”

“If I’m not, I’ll eat crow and beg you for your help. Ain’t too proud to admit when I’m wrong.”

“Fine.” He sighed. “You’re just like your old man, you know. You might not be his biological child, but I can see his influence in your upbringing every fuckin’ time I’m around you.”

“Gonna take that as a compliment whether you mean it or not.”

“It is. Good luck, brother. Keep our girl safe.”

“Fully intend to.”

My next call was to my sister, Suzie.

“Hey, Cliff! When you coming home? You’re being safe right?”

“Hey, Suz. Yeah. Being as careful as I can be. I need a favor. Can you help me out?”

“You know I can. What do you need?”

Me, Daniel, and Suzie were all adopted by Cain when we were young teens. Suzie was even younger. We’d been in the foster system together since Suzie was six. Daniel was my biological brother, but Suzie had latched on to us almost from the moment we saw her. She was the most beautiful little girl I’d ever seen and the two of us had taken her under our wings. The home we were in was shit. The couple was more interested in the government payout for keeping foster kids than they were in taking care of us. So the three of us split.

Things hadn’t turned out so well for us in the beginning, and we’d gotten into a hell of a situation, but we’d protected Suzie and eventually fled to Bones where Cain and Angel had adopted us. Suzie had eventually married Stunner, the man who’d watched over us when things had gone south and pointed us in the direction of Bones. That hadn’t been a smooth transition for him and Cain, but they’d managed. Now, Suzie and Stunner were responsible for the grandchild Cain wanted to spend more time with. And I adored my niece as much as I adored Suzie.

“I need you to look into someone for me. Discreetly. Use Zora if you need to, but don’t involve Data unless you absolutely need his help. It’s not got anything to do with trust, I just promised I’d keep this between you ladies.”

“This sounds serious. You OK?” Of course, Suzie was worried. When she loved, she loved with her whole heart. There was never any doubt that my sister loved me and my brother.

“I’m fine, Suz. Promise. I’ve got a… friend who might not be, though.”

“You got a name?”

“Yeah. David Almond. I want to know everything shady you can find on him. Specifically, any women he’s been with. And if they had any problems. I also want to know his current location.”

“On it.”

“Mum’s the word, Suz. Keep it on the DL. Get me?”

“I promise. I’ll only bring in Zora if I get stuck. I’ll contact you before I involve Data.”