I sat there for a moment, stunned and disorientated from the impact. Thanks to the wave that just battered me, the water was now up to the doors of the car and rushing in fast. I fumbled with the seatbelt, my hands shaking with fear as I tried to release it. A sob broke free as I realized I might not be able to get free. I could die here!

Finally, it clicked open and I scrambled out of the car, the water rushing around my legs in a sweeping torrent. I hadn’t even seen the water until it was too late! Now I wasn’t at all sure I could get myself to safety.

I had minimal protection from the rain and wind. Thankfully, I’d had the presence of mind -- when I realized the conditions I was stranded in -- to put my phone in a Ziplock bag to keep out the worst of the water. It probably wouldn’t help if it submerged for longer than a few seconds, but it was better than nothing. I shouldn’t have taken off the ugly waterproof case my dad had insisted I use in favor of my pretty case with the glitter bling.

I needed to get to higher ground, or at least farther inland. I stumbled through the water, my heart pounding in my chest and my breath sawing in and out of my lungs as I tried to fight the water and get myself to safety. The wind was strong, but only short gusts threatened to push me over. As long as I was careful and those gusts didn’t grow into sustained winds, I could wade my way out of this.

The road I’d taken when I realized they’d closed the interstate was near the coast. I’d felt safer thinking I’d see trouble before it got to me. That hadn’t turned out so well. Fortunately, I was able to wade through the churning water until I finally reached the edge.

As I hurried down the abandoned streets beyond the water, I looked around frantically for some sign of safety. Most places had been boarded up days ago in preparation for the storm. Even if I could manage to pry the boards loose with my bare hands, I’m not sure I’d feel right about invading someone’s business to save my own skin. Well. There was no way I was getting them loose on my own.

The wind increased in strength in small increments and the rain continued to pummel the land around me. I was soaked to the skin and the stinging water blew into my face with a vicious strength. It was impossible to see more than a few feet in front of me and I held up my arms in front of my face, trying to shield myself. I was scared beyond belief. I had no idea how long I had been walking or how far I had gone or even which direction I was going. I was completely disoriented.

Stumbling forward, I tripped over debris as the wind buffeted me. I felt like I was going to collapse at any moment, but I knew I couldn’t stop. I had to keep moving, to keep trying to find my way to safety.

As I rounded the corner, I found a doorway that hadn’t been boarded up. It was a niche in the wall. Not a great shelter but it would give me some protection against the debris that had started flying around in the increasing wind.

I’d started to sit when someone grabbed my upper arm and kept me upright. “Dawn!” The man had to raise his voice over the wind though we weren’t to the point where he had to yell. Yet. “We need to get back to my ride.” I looked up at the man who held my arm in a firm but gentle grip. He was gruff and insistent, and I thought I recognized him.


“Yeah. They call me Ice now. I’m takin’ you back to the Salvation’s Bane clubhouse. Are you injured?”

I shook my head. “No. Just wet. I’m sorry I left the car.”

“The storm surge is starting. With high tide coming, the water’s gonna rise fast. You didn’t have a choice.” He took off his rain jacket and put it around me, helping me thread my arms through it before zipping it up and pulling the hood over my head. He tightened down the laces so the wind wouldn’t immediately blow it off.

“We’ve got to go three blocks that way.” He pointed in the direction he wanted to take me. “All you have to do is stay on your feet and keep your head down. Can you do that for me?” Looking up into his face, I nodded. “Good. Let’s go.”

Ice had a firm grip on my hand as he led the way. We moved quickly through the flooded streets, the water now up to our knees and rising fast. The wind was howling around us. Even though he’d tightened it almost uncomfortably, my hood didn’t last two seconds once we were out of the relative shelter of the doorway. My hair whipped into my face, making it almost impossible to see where we were going. But Ice was a strong presence beside me, guiding me through the chaos with a steady hand and a sure sense of direction. Every so often, he would lean in close to my ear to be heard over the wind, giving me a few words of encouragement or advice.