“So, she’s out of gas forty minutes out of Palm Beach. She’s a sitting duck.” Thorn scrubbed his hands through his hair. “Ripper, how long before the storm gets too bad to navigate through?”
“Not long. It’s steadily worsening out there and this storm is expected to hit land as a category four or better. You might have thirty minutes before the winds make it difficult to drive through. Anything beyond that depends on what happens during that time.”
“That’s not long enough,” Thorn whispered. “Not nearly long enough.”
There was a beeping sound from Ripper’s office. He straightened and hurried inside. “Shotgun shared her phone’s secure GPS. Looks like she had to get off I-95 as she got closer to Palm Beach and cut across 714. She’s now on Highway 1 just south of Stuart.” Ripper looked back over his shoulder. “She’s right next to the coast. Once the storm surge hits, no way she can stay there.”
“Fuck.” Thorn shook his head once, then found Beast’s gaze with his. “Take the Bronco. It’s got a stable center of gravity for when the wind picks up. Take food and water in case you have to wait the storm out somewhere.”
Ripper turned back to face us from his desk. His chair was across from the open door to his office so he could keep everyone informed and still be in front of the bank of monitors over and on his desk.
“I can’t stress enough the need for her to get to higher ground as quickly as she can.”
Beast stood to go, but I stopped him. “Wait.” I met Thorn’s hard gaze with my own. “I’ll go. You need your men here to protect the compound and anyone in the area who gets in a bind. That’s why you all stayed. Right?”
“This is El Diablo’s daughter, Ice,” Beast said. “She might not be part of Bane, but Black Reign has helped us out more than once. Besides, we’d never leave a woman stranded alone in the middle of a storm.”
“I know that,” I said, not wanting to ruffle feathers. “I literally traveled the exact route she’s on now less than twenty-four hours ago. The terrain is fresh in my mind. I’ll go after her in your stead. Consider it proof Bones will continue our relationship with Black Reign while I’m president.” I didn’t want to insult Beast, but he was getting on in years. As was Thorn. While both men were in top physical condition, I was in my prime. “Give me the Bronco and let me go after her. I’m the best person for this.”
Thorn studied me a while before answering. “You’re sure?”
“Like you said. I don’t leave women stranded alone in a storm. Someone is going after her, no matter what. You take care of your territory and let me handle the outside business. I’ll bring back El Diablo’s daughter and we’ll all ride out the rest of the storm here.”
“If you can’t get back to the clubhouse, take shelter in a parking garage as far from the coast as you can get. Stay off the basement levels.” Ripper tossed me a phone. And a radio. “Satellite phone. In case you lose cell service. Radio’s satellite too. If you lose or break one, you’ve got the other.”
Once it was decided I was doing this, the other members of the club rounded up a case of water, some clothes for the girl, and some MREs. I raised an eyebrow at Thorn, but the other man grinned unrepentantly.
“A few rations went missing from the last mission I went on for ExFil.” He shrugged. “Sorry.”
I snorted. “Stuff tastes like shit, but it’s better’n nothin’.” I reached out my hand to Thorn, who took it in a strong grip.
“Be careful, brother. I won’t tell your old man you went out in a hurricane.”
“Ain’t worried ‘bout my old man knowing. Cain’d be proud. My mother on the other hand…” We chuckled. “I’ll keep in touch. Keep me updated with local weather reports. If we need to divert, I’ll tell you. Don’t lock me out.”
“Leavin’ the gate open. There’s always someone who didn’t get out in time. Occasionally they wander this direction and we take them in. Few of the older couples in the area prefer to stay here instead of going to one of the shelters. Said they feel safer with us than with a bunch of strangers.” Thorn looked like he was proud of that. I didn’t blame him. We all might skirt the edge of the law, but we all wanted the people in our territories safe.
“Good. Be careful out there. Keep your eyes open and be mindful of the water. Keep your radio on.”
“Thank you, Ice.” El Diablo was still on the phone. I was surprised I’d forgotten the other man was still listening. “Bring my daughter back safely.”