He gave me an annoyed look. “What part of this do you think I’d let the police get involved in?”

“Poor choice of words. I’ve been thinking like a civilian instead of the daughter of an MC president, I guess.”

“That stops now, honey. You were taken into this life by your father when you were little more than a toddler. In a situation like this? Use that advantage he gave you. If not for yourself, then for the next woman he tries to do this to.”

How could this man know me so well already? He’d only been around me a few hours, yet he had to know I’d never turn David over to him or my father for myself. For another woman, though… What if it had been Tabitha or Holly? OK, so Holly would have already killed the motherfucker, but what if?

“You’re right. If I can’t do it for myself, I should do it for the other girls in Black Reign.”

Ice gave me a crisp nod. “Good. Now. Before I call Mama, we need to finish this.” He nodded to my shorts. “Off.”

“I don’t have on any underwear, Ice!”

“And I’m gonna see it all eventually. I promise I won’t jump on you yet.” He gave me a gentle smile. His words were teasing, but I could see the strain around his eyes and his mouth. He was trying to lighten the mood, but I could see he was feeling anything but lighthearted. “Come on. Let’s get this done.”

With a little whimper, I pulled at the string holding the shorts around my waist. Gently, Ice turned me around, inspecting my body as he went. I knew what I looked like because I’d stood in front of the mirror the day I’d left, trying to make sure all the visible injuries on my body were covered by my clothing. Anyone with any experience could look at the shape of the bruising on my body and tell I’d been beaten up. Finger marks and fist-sized contusions, as well as a tread print, were all over me. The only place spared was my face.

Ice turned me around and met my gaze with a hard one of his own. “I swear to you, Dawn. I’m gonna kill this son of a bitch.” He gripped my upper arms gently. Just enough to hold me still while he made his solemn vow.

“I don’t want that.” My voice was soft. Meek. “Not because of me.”

“Then I’ll do it so no one else suffers what you have if that makes you feel better. But he’s gonna die.”

Hadn’t I just been thinking about Tabitha and Holly? I knew this had to happen, but I didn’t want it to. “Sometimes, I wish I could deal with things in the normal way. There probably wouldn’t be as much done or much resolution, but being judge, jury, and executioner has to take a toll. I don’t want to contribute to someone losing their humanity.”

“Has that happened to your father? Do you feel like he’s lost something that makes him care about people? Your mother? You?”

“What? No!” I shook my head sharply. “I know my dad loves me. He shows me every day. I see how much he loves my mother too. All the kids at Reign. My dad has a bigger heart than he wants anyone to know, but he’s also the coldest killer. I don’t ever want that side to overshadow the man who loves his family so much.”

“As much as he’s killed, Dawn, if he were going to lose his humanity or his capacity to love, he’d have already done it. And maybe he had before he found his eldest daughter or your mother. No. He kills to keep his family safe. And not indiscriminately. Sure, he may threaten a prospect if he looks at one of you girls the wrong way or the boys if they make you cry, but he’d never really do it. For something like this, though --” He waved his hand down my body. “-- He’d do it without a moment’s regret and consider it his privilege. Anyone who’d do this to you or any other woman deserves nothing less.”

Ice gripped my hips gently and pulled me closer to him. I stood between his legs, inches from him. His hands stroked up my sides once, then back to my hips. The look on his face was a mixture of lust and anger so fierce I wasn’t sure what to make of it.

“You’re so Goddamned beautiful it hurts, Dawn.” His voice was a husky whisper. “So Goddamned beautiful…”

He moved his hands to cup my face before leaning in to kiss me gently. I closed my eyes in bliss for the few seconds he lingered. I know when he pulled back there was a dreamy smile on my face.