Stunner didn’t say anything. His face was hard, the weight of what had just been put on his shoulders obvious and considerable. He wasn’t the most sociable of men, but he would definitely have been my pick for SAA. Guy was protective of the club in general but Suzie in particular. And their baby girl? Yeah. God help any man who tried to date that girl when she grew up.

He was also Cain’s son-in-law.

“As for president and vice president…” Cain looked at Torpedo. The other man nodded once, his lips curling on one end before speaking.

“We’d like Cliff to take on the role of president while Daniel picks up vice president.”

“What the fuck?” My outraged question came out more of a husky squawk. This couldn’t be happening.

Cain raised an eyebrow. “Problem?”

“Damned straight there’s a problem,” I said, my temper spiking even as I broke out in a sweat. “Surely to God there’s someone more qualified here than me, Cain.”

“Ditto,” Daniel said, stepping up behind me. “For that matter, you’ve been running the club and ExFil for years. You never said anything about stepping down. What the fuck?”

“I’m saying it now. You sayin’ you ain’t up for this task?” He narrowed his eyes, taking us both in. I’d seen that look many times in the past. Usually when one or both of us tried to defy our father. And, yeah. We usually did it together, thinking we could get away with it. We never did.


“No, Cliff. You guys are ready. Wouldn’t have suggested it otherwise.” He shrugged. “But it’s not up to me now. You guys are our recommendations. Patched members get the final say.”

“No need to drag our feet,” Arkham spoke up. “I vote we accept all three into the specified roles.”

“I’ll second that,” Data said with a grin. “I watched all three of ‘em grow up. Can’t ask for no better.”

“Well, that was fast.” Torpedo grinned. “Guess we weren’t the only ones who knew the youngsters were ready to take over.”

“Anyone opposed?” No one said anything. I looked around the room, trying to get a feel for who would be my allies and who would pick at my heels, trying to trip me up. But I saw only friends. Family. Bones could be a rough MC, but we were all brothers. If anyone in the club threw their weight behind us, they meant it.

“Fuck me,” I muttered.

“And ditto again.” Daniel just shook his head.

“Well, we can’t have a president and vice president with no road names.” Carnage said thoughtfully. “You guys resisted until now. Got somethin’ in mind?”

“Ice,” Shadow said, stepping forward with a big grin. “I seen Cliff fight. There’s ice in his veins when he gets focused. He’s Ice.”

“What about Dan?” I wasn’t sure who spoke, but my heart beat fast. This was happening. I stuck my chin up. Well, if we had to take road names, I couldn’t think of a better way to gain them than this.

Shadow grinned. “Cyclone. ‘Cause he’s a fuckin’ whirlwind when he needs to be. Man can create devastation in the most stubborn of trailer parks.”

“Oh, man…” Daniel sighed in resignation. “Really, Shadow?”

The big man shrugged. “They fit. You know they do.”

“Trailer park. You had to bring the fuckin’ trailer park into it.” Dan tried to scowl at Shadow, but the smile tugging at his lips finally won until he chuckled. “Son of a bitch.”

I looked at my brother. The pride in his face was something I was pretty sure was mirrored on my own. As much of a surprise as this was, it made me proud to think the club I was raised in had handpicked for my brother and Suzie to make our home with, was confident enough in me to give me and Daniel the reins.

“They definitely fit.” I held my father’s gaze. “You sure this is what’s best for Bones?”

“If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t have recommended it. You and Dan have lived and breathed this club since you first came here. You’ve done everything I’ve asked of you and you’ve learned willingly. It’s time to put that knowledge to work.”

“Then I’ll accept.”

“Ditto.” Dan smirked as I looked at him in exasperation. “What? I can’t say it any better.”

Stunner just grunted.

“Well. Since that’s settled --” Cain grinned. “-- Let’s celebrate.”

Chapter One

Six months later…


“Of course I had to come to Palm Beach during hurricane season. What a fuckin’ shit show.” I’d never admit it to a soul, but I fucking hated storms. The winds had just started to pick up on the hurricane forecast to hit the general area later tomorrow. Nothing heavy. Just a warning of what was coming. Fucking storm was a slow-moving monster. It didn’t matter that I’d volunteered myself to assist Salvation’s Bane with protecting the community outside of West Palm Beach. My only defense was it had seemed like a good idea at the fucking time.