It’s a fight I’m bound to lose, but I still derive satisfaction from the way he jolts when I sink my teeth into his lower lip and taste the coppery tang of blood. It’s definitely his blood, not mine this time, and I feel a deep, dark pleasure at the knowledge. I’ve marked him like he’s marked me, pierced his flesh like he’s pierced mine. I might not have stolen his virginity, but my imprint is now on his body, even if the bite won’t leave a scar.

On a strange impulse, I suck his injured lip into my mouth, drawing out more of the metallic flavor, and he growls low in his throat, releasing my wrists to grip the back of my neck with one hand and my ass with the other, pulling me flush against his massive erection as his teeth sink into my lower lip. I use my newfound freedom to claw at his back, even as I wrap my left leg around his hip, grinding my aching clit against the swollen length of his cock, driven by a burning need that defies all reason. The flimsy lace of my thong is the only obstacle between our naked bodies, and it’s already drenched, soaked with the evidence of my desire. Under different circumstances, I’d be mortified, but there’s no room for embarrassment in the erotic inferno consuming me. Already, the tension is coiling in my core, each shimmy of my hips rubbing my clit against his hardness, dragging me closer to the edge even as our mouths remain locked in a battle of teeth and tongues and lips. The same battle our bodies are fighting.

It’s a battle in which there can only be one winner, and that winner isn’t me.

Or maybe it is me. Maybe the incandescent pleasure bursting through my nerve endings is a victory, not a defeat, I think hazily as my inner muscles clench and release in a spine-tingling cascade of sensations while my fingers dig into the thick muscles of his shoulders. In a way, I stole this orgasm, took it instead of having it forced upon me. I used his body as—

The sudden tug on my thong that rips it off jerks me out of my pleasure haze and into reality. With a gasp, I tear away from his devouring kiss and drop my leg, pushing on his shoulders with all my might as the stark knowledge of what we’re doing penetrates my serotonin-saturated brain. Only it’s too late and he’s shoving me up against a wall, gripping my thighs to lift me up and spread me open.

Before I can utter a single word, the smooth, broad head of his cock presses against my soaked entrance and forces its way into my body. He’s not rough, but he’s not gentle either, and my breath escapes on a pained cry as his thick length stretches me to the max. I’m still sore from the other day, unused to the massive girth of him, and my nails dig into his skin as he pauses halfway, pressing his forehead to the top of my head, his harsh breath audible as every muscle in his powerful body vibrates from the effort of holding still.

“Are you okay?” His voice is raw and strained. “Am I hurting you?”

Yes! Stop! That’s what I should say, but somehow, the word that emerges from my throat is a breathless, stuttering, “N-no.”

Immediately, I want to take it back, but I don’t get a chance. I’m clutching at his shoulders, so I feel the shudder that goes down his spine as he lets go of his rigid self-control, and then his hips piston into me, his hard cock spearing me so deeply my breath whooshes out of my lungs. For a second, the stretch is more than I can bear, but then he pulls back and spears me again, grinding his pelvis into mine, and the stinging pain lessens, the discomfort transforming into a familiar aching tightness, a sweetly agonizing tension that intensifies each time he bottoms out inside me.

“Fuck,” he rasps against my hair. “You feel so fucking good.” Each word is punctuated by a deep, hard thrust that shoves me higher up the wall and wrenches a grunting moan from my throat.

Good isn’t the word for it. As he sets a hard, driving pace, I feel like I’m going to die, like he’s going to literally fuck my brains out. My eyes roll into the back of my skull, and I scrunch my eyelids shut as my mind empties of everything but the violent sensations rocking my body. I know there’s something not right about this, something I should be fighting, but for the life of me, I can’t think what. There’s just Alexei, spearing into my flesh, filling me so deeply I may never be whole without him again.