Ruslan snorts. “She already hates you.”

No, she doesn’t. I refuse to believe that. Our relationship is far from straightforward, but Alina doesn’t truly hate me. I remember her sympathy at the fundraiser after Ksenia’s death, the moments of connection we’d so briefly shared. On some level, she cares about me, even though I’m still essentially a stranger to her. But I won’t be for long. Here, in the middle of the ocean, it’s going to be just the two of us for the foreseeable future, and she’ll get to know me… and grow to love me.

All I say to my brother is, “We’ll see about that.”

He snorts again and faces the ocean, as do I. We stand side by side, taking in the endless blue expanse before us until the sun beaming down on our heads grows too hot to tolerate. That’s when I push away from the railing and head toward the stairs.

It’s time to check on my new wife.

Chapter 8


I’m just about to exit the cabin when Alexei appears in the hallway, walking toward me with long, ground-eating strides.

“You’ve changed,” he says, stopping a few feet away to rake his gaze over me.

“Why not? The wedding is over, isn’t it?” I’m back to wearing the green dress from this morning. It’s cool and comfortable, much more so than the long white gown.

He cocks his head, studying me. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine.” And it’s true, I am. I considered using my fainting spell as an excuse to stay in the cabin for the rest of the day, thus hopefully avoiding his company, but I decided against it. Not only would I be bored out of my mind, but it’s best if I don’t dwell on my situation too much.

On the deck, I can at least talk to Alexei’s brother, get to know him a bit.

“You’re sure?” Alexei asks, narrowing his eyes.

I hesitate. What will he do if I’m not fine? Take me home to Moscow?

His face tightens. “Fuck it. I’m getting you a doctor.” He turns around and heads toward the stairs as I stare after him, incredulous.

There’s a doctor on board? Unless he means…

I hurry after him. “Alexei! Wait.”

He stops and faces me. “What?”

“Are we docking somewhere? So I can see the doctor?”

Please say yes. Please say yes.

“No.” He turns and resumes walking, disappearing up the stairs before I can press for more answers.

I follow after him, but by the time I reach the deck, he’s already talking to his brother under the overhang.

“—a week’s delay, at minimum,” Ruslan is saying as I approach. “Are you sure it’s really necessary?”

“I’ll decide what’s necessary,” Alexei says in a hard tone. “You just get them on board.”

Get who on board? How? I’m dying of curiosity, but before I can ask, Ruslan gives a curt nod and walks away, heading down below.

Alexei turns toward me, his face dark. “What are you doing up here? You should lie down, get some rest.”

“I don’t want to rest. I want…” I rack my brain for something innocuous to do. “I want to swim.”

Alexei frowns. “You’re not well enough for that.”

“Says who?” The more I think about it, the more a dip in the ocean sounds appealing. It also wouldn’t hurt to practice my swimming skills a bit, in case an escape opportunity presents itself. “Seriously, I’m completely fine. That was just—” I stop, not wanting to relive the memory.

Alexei’s expression grows intent. “That was just…?”

“I freaked out, okay?” I inhale, fighting a sudden tightness in my lungs. “I… remembered my parents, that’s all.”

His face softens. “Alinyonok…”

“Don’t.” I don’t want his pity. “Can we just swim? Please?”

He considers it for a beat, then nods. “All right. Let’s go change, and I’ll take you swimming.”

He leads me back below deck, his hand resting lightly on my lower spine, and it’s all I can do not to throw it off. Not because his touch is unpleasant. Just the opposite. There’s something almost… soothing in the feel of his big hand on me. Comforting in a way I don’t care to dwell on.

The peculiar sensation lingers as we walk down the stairs and back toward the cabin. I expect him to come in with me, but to my surprise, he stops a few feet short, by another door in the hallway.

“This is where I keep my clothes,” he explains as I look up at him, surprised. “Meet you up on the deck?”

“Oh, sure.” I blink as he opens the door and disappears into what appears to be another cabin, only one with a huge desk and a chair instead of a bed. Is that his office? If so, why does he keep his clothes there?

Well, whatever.

I step into our regular cabin and hurry over to the closet, where I locate dozens of swimsuits. I choose a neon-blue sporty one-piece, both for ease of swimming and because it’s less revealing. Not that Alexei hasn’t seen all of me already, but still, I can’t help the heat that spreads over my cheeks at the thought that we’ll be nearly naked in the ocean together.