“He does? Like how Dad looks at you? Or Brock looks at Lincoln? Tanner looks at—”
Laughing, she put her hand over my mouth. “Yes! The boy looks at you like you’re the very air he breathes, sweetheart.”
I felt the tears, and my mother shook her head. “No, don’t cry, or I will.”
“That’s all I’ve ever wanted, Mom. Was a man to look at me like Daddy looks at you.”
Mom blinked rapidly. “Damn it, Rose Marie!”
We both laughed as I wrapped my arm around her waist and started back to the family room, where I could already hear Bradly and Avery fighting over who got to pick game night from the hat.
“You can never go wrong when you follow your heart, Rose Marie. I’ve always taught you that, and I’m so happy to see you doing just that.”
I leaned my head on her shoulder as we walked. “I love you, Mom.”
We both stopped and turned to face one another. “I love you, too, darling.”
“Come on, let’s join the family, and you and Bryson can tell them the good news.”
The moment Mom and I stepped into the family room, my father whistled and got everyone’s attention. He pointed at Bryson and said, “Bryson and Rose Marie have something they want to announce!”
All eyes swung to Bryson, then to me, where I stood just behind him. He reached his hand back for me, and I took it, stepping up next to him.
We looked at each other, nodded, then faced my family and shouted, “We’re engaged!”
Screams and woo-hoos filled the room as everyone came up to congratulate us. Lily had been the last to make her way to Bryson, then to me. My smile instantly faded when I looked into her eyes.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
She forced a smile. “Nothing is wrong.”
“Bullshit, I can tell you’ve been crying, and that is not from happy tears, Lily Shaw. What is wrong?”
She glared at me and said, “Keep your voice down. Nothing is wrong. This is your night, so please don’t draw attention to me.”
Narrowing my eyes at her, I lowered my voice. “Who has you so upset?”
“What’s going on?” Kipton asked as she made her way over to us.
Lily forced a smile. “Nothing. I’m so happy for you, Rose.”
When she pulled me in for a hug, she whispered, “Please not here, Rose.”
Drawing back, I smiled and nodded. I wasn’t about to let it go, but Lily was right. Now wasn’t the time.
After three rounds of rock, paper, scissors, Avery got to pick from the hat. She laughed as she called out, “Pictionary!”
Bryson had made his way over to me, leaned down, and whispered, “I hate Pictionary.”
“Me too,” I replied.
Our eyes met, and I grinned as I said, “There is always the barn?”
“Our barn?”
Chewing on my lower lip, I glanced around. “The original ranch barn.”
His eyes lit up. “I don’t believe I’ve seen that yet.”
“Well,” I said with a wicked smile. “We can’t have that.”
Slipping my hand in Bryson’s, we slowly made our way toward the kitchen to escape. Once we got there, we turned and started to giggle as we headed to the back door in the kitchen.
“And where do you two think you’re going?” my father asked, sitting on the counter eating a piece of pizza.
We both froze, and I turned to face my dad. “Pictionary isn’t for us, so I thought I’d show Bryson the original ranch barn.”
Dad set the pizza crust down, wiped his hands, then jumped off the counter. With a shit-eating smile, he walked up to us and put a hand on Bryson’s shoulder and one on mine.
“What do you know, I hate Pictionary too. Come on, I’ll drive us over.”
As my father pushed past us, he called, “Don’t forget your coats!”
I sighed and looked at Bryson, who attempted to hold back a laugh.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered as I took my coat Bryson had reached for and handed to me.
“It’s okay. Next time.”
“Yes!” I said with a nod. “For sure.”
“Bryson! Rose Marie! Let’s go before people notice we’re gone.”
Looking at my father walking toward Bryson’s truck and heading to the driver’s side, Bryson laughed as we made our way out of the house and in his direction. “I honestly love your father.”
Watching the two men I loved more than life itself, I brushed away a single tear. “So do I.”
“What is it about weddings that make me feel so depressed?”
I glanced up to see Renee Sanders, one of my friends from high school, frowning out at the dance floor. My eyes followed her gaze, and I couldn’t help but smile. My cousin Rose was dancing with her new husband, Bryson. I’d never seen her look so happy, or so beautiful. They met in Seattle a year ago at a party Bryson had at his place. He retired from the Seattle Mariners after injuring his pitching arm and now lived right outside of Hamilton in a house that Rose herself designed. They honestly were the cutest couple.