“I like that we ended up doing wood planks on all the walls. I also like that you did a stain on the ones in our room,” he added.

Our room. It still felt so surreal. The man was amazing. I had never been so happy or so in love in my entire life.

It felt like a million emotions hit me all at once. Happiness about everything happening in our lives. Excitement for the future. Fear that the bottom would fall out from beneath me. Love so strong it left me breathless. Except I hadn’t wanted to run. The old me would have panicked and had the urge to flee. The new me? Oh, the new me wanted to close her eyes and leap with Bryson right by my side.

“The room is huge,” I said as I spun around in the middle and came to a stop in front of Bryson. “You keep calling it our house.”

He smiled and held his hand out to me. “Because it is.”

“Is it because I designed it? Because last I checked, I didn’t have the money to help you pay for this thing. I’d have to sell a heckuva lot more paintings to even make a mortgage payment on this place.”

Bryson laughed as he took my hand and drew me to him. “It is our house because I love you and want you to help me make this a home.”

“I want that too,” I stated as I cupped his face with my hands. “I want to make this our home. I want to build beautiful memories here with you. I close my eyes and can see our future, which isn’t something I’ve ever been able to do before you. I love you so much, Bryson. With you by my side, I feel like I can do anything, and I’ve never felt that way before.”

He placed his hands over mine and smiled down at me. His eyes sparkled, and my heart raced in my chest from the smoldering look he gave me. “Marry me.”

I felt myself blink a few times, then shake my head. “What?” I asked with a confused laugh.

“It isn’t the way I wanted to ask you, but nothing I’ve done so far in our relationship has been normal or expected.”

I stepped back, and my mouth hung open while I tried to say something. Had Bryson just asked me to marry him? Out of the blue?

Of course, the man did! I shouldn’t be surprised at all considering how we’ve done things so far.

Bryson chewed on his lower lip. “Did I go too far? I went too far, didn’t I? Shit. Rose, don’t freak out on me or run.”

The look of fear on his face pulled me from my shocked state. “Run? I’m not running anywhere but into your arms. It’s just that you caught me off guard. I figured you were going to ask me to make love to you in here, not ask me to marry you.”

He closed his eyes, and I could feel the worry coming off him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and waited for him to meet my gaze.

“Yes. I’ll marry you.”

When his eyes went as wide as saucers, I nearly laughed. “But on one condition.”

“Anything,” he whispered.

“Make love to me here. In our room.”

Bryson lifted me, and I let out a little scream.

“I think I have a better idea.”

“Really?” I giggled. “Do tell.”

“How about in that big bathroom? You bent over the sink?”

My lower body instantly ached for him to be inside me. “Yes, please.”

Bryson quickly walked us through the little hallway and into the massive bathroom we would share. The shower was straight ahead and jutted out from the rest of the room, with windows letting in more light. The long counter to our right held two sinks and a plethora of storage.

Setting me on the counter, Bryson pushed up the dress I had on. I had almost changed into sweatpants before heading over, but I’d come straight from work. He dropped down to his knees and pulled my panties to the side. I gripped the counter and held my breath while Bryson placed kisses up one thigh, then the other. He ran his thumb through my wet slit, and I sucked in a breath. Ripples of excitement danced along every nerve, feeding the fire of desire.

Pinching my clit softly, he whispered, “Do you want my mouth here?”

“Yes!” I gasped out. “Please, Bryson.”

Parting my legs so he could get better access, he pressed his mouth to me, and I buckled against him.

“Oh God, Bryson.”

He pushed my legs open wider, and I shamelessly rocked against his tongue, my fingers digging into his hair and drawing him closer. I needed him closer. I needed him inside me. When he slipped his fingers inside, I knew I was on the verge of losing all sanity. It felt so good, and something about doing this with our clothes still on and the passion raw and real was so erotic.