Larry cleared his throat and looked around nervously before he said, “I’m probably overreaching here, and I’m not sure what you plan on doing now besides maybe ranching, but if you’re ever interested in coaching, we would love to have you on our coaching staff.”
Ty and Blayze turned and looked at me, eager to hear my answer.
“It’s stupid, I know. You could be coaching in the major leagues, and I’m here asking you to think about coaching club baseball teams.”
I honestly hadn’t even thought much about what in the hell I was going to do after retiring. Most of my thoughts were about Rose, the house, and the ranch. I had already been helping Blayze and Hunter out on the ranch whenever I could, simply because I wasn’t used to sitting around with nothing to do. The thought of coaching baseball hadn’t even entered my mind.
“I bet you’d probably get a lot of parents interested in private pitching lessons,” Blayze said before turning his gaze to Ty and asking, “Don’t Nathan and Josh do private lessons sometimes?”
Ty nodded. “Yeah, for sure.”
“You’d have them lining up for private lessons,” Larry stated with a grin.
“Of course,” Ty said with a cough, “I’d expect priority.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “I mean, I’ve tossed around the idea of coaching once I had kids, but I do miss it, and being here today was a rush.”
Larry’s eyes grew hopeful, as did Ty’s.
“You’ll think about it?” Larry asked.
“Did you say kids?” Ty said at the same time Larry had spoken.
It only took me a moment to decide I already had my answer. “No need to think about it. I’ll do it.”
Larry jumped like a teenage girl and let out a whoop. Then he looked around, rubbed the back of his neck, and lowered his voice a few octaves. “This is great. Amazing. The way you were with the kids today, I know we’ll all benefit from having you here.”
I smiled and couldn’t deny I felt a little giddy, as well, and if I had been alone, I might have done a little spin jump myself.
Larry reached out to shake my hand. “I’ll be in touch with you later this week with all the details. We won’t make any sort of announcement until it’s all official.”
“Sounds like a plan to me,” I replied, giving his hand a firm shake and then giving him my cell phone number.
Smiling like he’d won the lottery, Larry shook his head. “Bryson Robinson, coaching with us. Holy shit. I have to go tell my wife.”
Larry turned to Ty. “Good seeing you, Ty. Give Ty Sr. and Stella all my best.” Facing Blayze, he said, “Great seeing you, Blayze. I hope to see Ryder and Rhett in T-ball in the upcoming years.”
Blayze laughed. “Let me get through the first year before we start talking about sports.”
Lifting his hands in surrender, Larry said, “Fair enough.”
We said our goodbyes to Larry and headed toward the parking lot. Nathan and Josh were already standing by my truck, waiting for us.
I pulled out my phone and saw Rose had tried calling six times. A moment of fear hit me so hard I stumbled.
Rose: Where are you?
Rose: OMG, Bryson! I need to talk to you! I have the best news!
Rose: Okay, why aren’t you answering your phone!
That text about good news allowed my lungs to open once again, and I drew in a deep breath.
Rose: Mom said you went with Dad to Josh and Nathan’s baseball practice!
Rose: I’m heading there!
“Rose texted me like five times,” Ty stated as he stopped walking.
“She did me as well. Said she had something to tell me.”
Ty nodded as the three of us came to a stop. “Kaylee said she told her we were at the ballpark. I guess she’s on her way.”
The sound of Rose calling out my name caused the three of us to snap our heads in the direction of the parking lot.
“What is she doing?” Blaze asked.
“She’s lost her mind, that’s what she is doing! Did she really jump out before Lily had the car stopped!” Ty shouted as he marched toward Rose, who currently ran toward us.
“Rose Marie Shaw, what in the hell are you doing jumping out of a moving car!”
Rose ran right by her father and launched herself at me. I caught her and laughed as she wrapped her legs around me and buried her face in my neck.
Holding her tightly, I looked at Blayze and Ty and asked, “Is she laughing or crying?”
Blayze walked up and bent down to look at Rose. “I think both?”
“She just scared the hell out of me,” Lily stated, walking up with Kipton, Nathan, and Josh.
“That was awesome, Rose!” Josh laughed. “Totally serving cu–”
“Josh!” Ty warned as he held up his hand. “Stop saying cunt!”
“What?” Blayze and I asked at the same time. Lily and Kipton laughed.