Kipton must have known I was panicked because she said, “She’s a local artist here in the Hamilton area.”
All eyes went to Kipton. She quickly fell into the role of Jax since he was still missing. Thank goodness we had all dressed appropriately.
The older woman let her gaze fall back on the painting. “I’ve never seen such beautiful work. The depth of her painting is unbelievable. Look here, the way she used the light and shadow together. It almost makes it look like the water is moving in real time.”
I blinked a few times and stared at the woman.
Kipton stopped and looked at the painting. “I agree. The fall colors are just beautiful.”
“She is very talented and has been painting since she was a little girl.”
That compliment came from Lily.
“Do you know her?” the older woman asked, looking at Lily.
Nodding, Lily replied, “She’s my cousin.”
“Well,” the woman stated, bringing her focus back to the painting, “I’m working down south a bit and needed to get out and explore. I’m so glad I parked and got out to walk around. Charming little town, by the way.”
“Thank you,” the three of us all said in unison.
Kipton turned to look at her. I could tell she was also trying to place the woman. “So you’re not from the area?”
The woman laughed. “No, Los Angeles is where I call home.”
It must have dawned on all of us at the same time that she was an actress.
“Wait, you’re Kylee Heart! The actress!” Lily practically shouted.
Kylee laughed softly. “I am.”
Kipton smiled. “I thought you looked familiar.”
Pointing at the painting, Kylee asked, “How do I buy this?”
“I just hung that up!” Jax said as he walked into the room. I quickly looked around to see if I could either slip out the front door or hide in the back office.
“You did? Well, then it was meant to be. I was telling your coworker here how lovely the painting is. The use of the light and shadow adds to the movement, don’t you think?”
Jax shot Kipton a quizzical look, and she shrugged her shoulders. I prayed he would go along with the ruse.
He made his way over to the painting, and I slowly crept toward the back office, only to have Lily walk up and lace her arm in mine.
“Let me go, Lily,” I softly whispered while attempting to pull my arm away.
“No way. You’re going to witness the first sale of your painting, and she will be none the wiser. Walk around, and let’s pretend we’re looking at things.”
Knowing I could never get away from Lily without causing a scene, I let her drag me over to the sculpture she and Kipton had been looking at.
“Okay, what is this thing? Kipton said it was an abstract piece, but I swear it looks like someone bending around to scratch their a–”
I poked her in the ribs to get her to stop talking so I could listen to what Kylee was saying.
Jax had just finished giving his interpretation of the painting, and Kipton nodded as if she knew exactly what they were talking about.
“Does she have any other pieces here?”
“No,” Jax said with a sad expression. “We’re hoping she will add a few more pieces to our collection.”
“Does the gallery up the road have any of her work?” Kylee asked.
“No, she’s exclusive to us,” Jax stated.
Kipton covered a laugh with a cough, and I was pretty sure my mouth hit the floor.
“Sneaky little bastard,” I muttered under my breath.
The bell above the door rang again, and Jonathon Wiser walked in. He owned a bed-and-breakfast in town and would often come in and find pieces to decorate with. When he looked at where Jax, Kipton, and Kylee Heart were standing, his eyes went up to the painting.
“That is the most stunning river painting I’ve ever seen. And just in time for fall decorating.”
He made his way over and leaned in to see who the artist was. “Is that…?”
Lily and I turned around and faced the sculpture. I held my breath and prayed he didn’t know who Kipton was.
“Rose Marie Shaw,” Kipton stated, her voice spilling over with pride. I couldn’t help but smile. I was so glad she was part of our family now.
“She has talent, like her mother. I need this for a new bed-and-breakfast I’m opening.”
Lily and I shot a quick look of surprise at one another.
“I’m afraid you’re too late,” Kylee stated. “I’m buying this piece.”
“Does she have any other pieces in the gallery, Jax?” Jonathon asked.
Jax cleared his throat. “Not at this time, but—”
Kylee cut Jax off when she said, “I’ve already commissioned another painting by the artist, so you’ll have to get in line.”
My head snapped up, and I turned to Lily and mouthed, “What the hell?”
Her hand came up to her mouth to keep from laughing.