She reached for my hands. “You made me believe in myself again. You were a little pushy with the relationship thing, but I’m so glad you were. Last May I watched Hunter and Kipton get married, and I felt this emptiness inside me that I couldn’t pinpoint. When I went to Seattle to visit Loren, I wanted to get away from all the happy couples in my life. It wasn’t like I was jealous, but I wasn’t sure where my life was supposed to go. Everyone else seemed to have it figured out, and I felt so lost. That day you showed up at Stiner Architectural Firm and said you wanted me to design your house, I thought you had lost your mind. But you gave me the courage to realize I wasn’t happy sitting in an office. You and Lily both opened my eyes and made me realize that painting is truly something I love, and it’s what I want to do.”
“Does this mean you’ll sell your paintings?” I asked.
She scrunched up her face in the most adorable way while she said, “Maaaaybe. Last week when we went to that elementary school in Missoula, when your dad was talking to the kids about the stars, I spoke to the art teacher.”
My heart started to beat faster as I watched the excitement in Rose’s eyes. “Go on.”
Chewing on her lip, she said, “I asked her about teaching art in elementary school, and what I would need in order to do it.”
“What did she say?” I asked.
Rose smiled. “A bachelor’s degree, which I already have, and I’d need to complete a course in teacher education. When we got back to Hamilton, I asked a friend of mine who teaches at Daly Elementary about it. She was over the moon because their art teacher who currently works there is retiring after this year, and they’ll be needing a new art teacher. This may be crazy, but I thought I’d take the course and apply. Is that insane of me? Do you think I should do it?”
“It doesn’t matter what I think you should do. What is your heart telling you, Rose?”
She drew in a long deep breath, then let it all out in an excited whoosh. “It feels right, Bryson. For the first time in my life, something feels right.”
Smiling, I cupped her face in my hands. “The light in your eyes is saying enough for me. I say go for it, sweetheart. If it feels right, then take the leap.”
Throwing herself into my arms, I held on to her tightly. From the moment Rose had shown up to that party in those pink sneakers, my life had done a complete one-eighty. She wasn’t the only one who felt like her life finally felt right. Mine not only felt right, it felt complete in so many ways.
When she pulled back to look at me, she had tears in her eyes. I felt a punch right to my heart.
“Please tell me those are happy tears, Rose.”
Nodding, she replied, “They are. Very happy tears. If you hadn’t showed up that morning at my job with your crazy idea of me designing your house, none of this would be happening. I’ve never been so happy in my entire life, Bryson. Thank you.”
“Aw, baby, I had nothing to do with it.”
“You did,” she said, kissing me on the tip of my nose. “I used to think I was so strong, but deep down I was terrified of so many things. You gave me the courage to follow my heart, and I will forever be grateful to you for that.”
My eyes caught sight of a large pine behind us. When I caught Rose’s gaze, she wore a sexy smile. “I’ve seen that look on your face before, Mr. Robinson. You’re thinking of doing something naughty.”
Glancing around to make sure no one would be able to see us, I turned back to her. “I’m thinking of doing something very naughty to you.”
Rose licked her lips and stepped away from me. “Keep your shirt on, it’s cold, but take off your sweats and panties.”
Going so slow it nearly drove me insane, Rose slid her pants down, stepped out of them, then motioned for me to come closer to her as she backed up and leaned against the large pine.
I dropped to my knees and lifted her leg. Sliding my finger inside her, we both moaned.
“You’re so wet.”
“Always for you.”
Not wanting to waste another second, I buried my face between her legs and worked her over with my tongue, mouth, and fingers to bring her to orgasm. Rose slapped her hand over her mouth as her body shook with pleasure. Not wasting any time, I pulled my cock out and slipped it inside her. Being inside her always felt like heaven, and I knew it wouldn’t take long to come.