“I was doing some charity work in Helena when I was Miss Montana, and Mr. Robinson…”
“Please, call me Bryson.”
Kipton smiled. “Bryson was also there. We sat next to each other that night at a charity dinner. If I remember right, we hardly got to say two words because the mayor’s wife talked your ear off.”
I laughed. “That’s right. It’s good to see you again, Kipton, and congratulations to you both on the wedding.”
Hunter looked at Kipton with so much love on his face, I couldn’t help but smile. Rose had told me how they’d met. Kipton had hosted a bachelor-type show that starred Hunter as the bachelor. I’d seen commercials for it but never had a chance to watch it.
Rose went on with the introductions. “And sitting over there with the other baby in her arms is Morgan, and next to her is her husband, Ryan.”
Ryan walked over and shook my hand. “It’s a real pleasure to meet you, Bryson. I love watching you pitch. Sad to see you’re ending your career, but happy to see the smile on Rose’s face.”
I shook his hand. “I instantly like you.”
Ryan and Rose both chuckled.
“It’s nice to meet you, Bryson. Don’t worry, I won’t make you hold Blakley for a picture.”
Ryan smiled at his wife, then turned his attention to me. “Unless you want to.”
“Hey, wait, if he takes a picture of Blakley, Ryder gets one too.”
“Oh my God. He took a picture with Ryder because you were holding him! I have Rhett!” Georgiana stated as she stood and pulled down the pants of the baby she was holding. The diaper appeared to have animals on it.
“Oh shit. I did have Ryder. Okay, then Rhett is after Blakley.”
“I’m so sorry,” Rose said in a lowered voice. “If you want to leave, I totally understand.”
Laughing, I shook my head. “I’d love to take a picture with both babies and anyone else, for that matter. I say we get all the pictures out of the way!”
And before I knew it, the entire Shaw family lined up to wait their turn for photos. Even Stella and Ty Sr.
Chapter Nineteen
I sat on one of the sofas and glared at my family as they all took turns getting their pictures taken with Bryson. What had I been thinking, that they would all treat him like a normal person?
Sighing, I dropped my head against the back of the sofa. I felt it move, and opened one eye to see Lily smiling at me as she sat down.
“Okay, I’m only going to say this once to get it out of my system, and then I promise to be normal again.”
“Not you too!” I groaned.
“Oh my God, Rose. He is so freaking hot, and a baseball player?”
Lifting my head, I waggled my brows and whispered, “I know. And he’s so good in bed.”
Lily giggled. “I mean, you know how you think a guy is hot because he plays a sport? Well, he is hot in person. I can’t imagine him in a uniform.”
“Girl, I know. Wait until Avery sees him. She’s going to go nuts.”
“She will!” Lily giggled.
“Is she coming home at all this summer?” I asked as I searched the room for Merit. She had to be missing her daughter and Bradly.
“Dirk and Merit are going to Paris to visit her. Since Bradly is out on the circuit, they thought it would be a good time to go.”
“Bradly is going to be pissed he’s the last to meet Bryson.”
“He won’t be the last. Avery will be.”
I nodded. “That’s true. Don’t worry, all of this will be over and done with, and everyone will treat him like family soon enough.”
Looking over at Nathan standing next to Bryson with a wide smile, I exhaled. “I sure hope so. I want him to be comfortable with the family.”
“Rose, you literally brought one of the best professional players in baseball through the front door, and you didn’t think the family would go a little crazy? Not to mention all of them are Seattle fans.”
I gave a one-shoulder shrug. “I know. Did you hear Nathan scream?”
Lily laughed. “You seem to forget I was standing next to him. I thought my eardrum busted. I’m pretty sure he almost fainted. It’s kind of cute.”
Smiling, I looked at Bryson signing the back of Nathan’s shirt. “It is cute.” I sat forward and blinked several times. “Oh gosh, now Blayze and Ryan are asking him to sign their shirts. This is enough.”
“What are you going to do?” Lily asked, standing up and following me to where my family practically assaulted the man I loved.
Stopping, Lily bumped into me.
“Oof. Why did you stop?”
Lowering my voice, I said, “I love him.”
“Bryson, you idiot!”
Lily looked past me and tried to hide a smile before saying, “Then you better go save the man you love from our grandmother, who appears to be trying to get him to pick her up!”