He slowly lifted his hand and pointed at me. “Holy shit. It’s really true.”
“Joshua Ty Shaw,” Rose reprimanded.
“You’re…it’s…you’re…I think I need to sit down.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. Walking up to him, I extended my hand. “It’s nice to meet you finally, Joshua.”
He looked down at my hand, slowly lifted his, and shook my hand. “It’s Josh. You can call me Josh.”
“Josh, it is.”
When I dropped my hand, he stared at his.
“Okay, so it might take a bit longer for everyone to treat you normally,” Rose stated as she gave her brother a confused look.
When it was clear Josh wasn’t going to move, Rose took my hand again. “They’re in the family room.”
I drew in a deep breath and exhaled as we walked around a still-frozen Josh and into a large open family room. There had to be at least twenty-five people in the room, and multiple conversations were going on. Most of the women were around the three women who each held a baby. I was going to assume one was Georgiana and one was Morgan.
Brock, Ty, and Tanner were attempting to help an older man, whom I assumed was Ty Sr., figure out a remote.
Dirk stood with an older woman who seemed to be accusing him of eating something while she held a pie in her hands.
A woman around the same age as Rose, with dark brown hair, was arguing with a younger kid around the same age as Josh about what game they were going to play first.
Rose and I both looked around the room. No one had noticed us. Josh finally came and stood next to me.
“Dude, my cousin Nathan is most likely going to faint when he sees you. He idolizes you. Just a warning, he may fan boy, unlike me.”
Rose and I both turned to look at Josh, who was still holding his hand out like it was covered in gold.
Rose leaned over and stared at her brother. “Because you didn’t just fan…boy?”
Josh rolled his eyes.
Clearing her throat, Rose said, “I’m here.”
No one looked our way.
“Hello! I’ve arrived, and I brought my boyfriend!”
Josh put his hand up to his mouth and whistled. The entire room fell silent, and all heads turned to the three of us.
“Sorry I’m late. Bryson showed up at my place when I was leaving.”
The sound of a female scream came from the left side of the room. When I turned to see who had screamed, I noticed it was the younger kid. Nathan, I was guessing.
“Okay, I wasn’t prepared for him to scream like a girl.” Josh laughed.
The kid stumbled back, and the girl caught him.
“Dude!” Josh said with a laugh. “Were you about to faint!”
Kaylee quickly crossed the room and pulled me into a hug. “Bryson! I’m so glad you made it! This is the perfect place to meet the entire family! Well, with the exception of Avery and Bradly.”
I nodded. “Rose didn’t tell me it was the entire family until we pulled up.”
Looking at her daughter, she frowned. “Like father, like daughter.”
Rose waved off her mother, then spoke.
“I think the easiest way to do this is to go around the room, and I’ll introduce everyone.”
All heads in the room nodded.
“We’ll start with the boy who can scream like a girl,” Rose said as she motioned in the direction of Nathan.
“Bryson, I’d like you to meet my younger cousin Nathan Shaw. Son to Tanner and Timberlynn.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Nathan.”
Nathan attempted to say something, but the only words that came out sounded like babble.
The girl who had caught Nathan said, “Maybe you should sit down, Nathan.”
“And that is Lily, who is playing nursemaid to Nathan.” Rose chuckled.
Lily waved. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you, Bryson.”
“Pleasure is all mine, Lily.”
She blushed, then looked at Nathan, who was still staring at me, his mouth gaping open.
Moving along, Rose pointed at her uncles standing with the older man who was staring at me much like Nathan was.
“You already met my Uncle Brock and Uncle Tanner. You know my dad, but this is my grandfather, Ty Sr. Grandpa, this is Bryson Robinson.”
Ty Sr. dropped the remote and started to make his way across the room and over to me.
“Jesus holy Christ above, I can’t believe it!”
“Ty Shaw!” someone said from somewhere in the room. “What is wrong with you?”
Ty Sr. stopped in front of me and slowly shook his head. “You’re the baseball player. The pitcher. The Mariners. Holy shit. You’re standing in my living room.”
“Um, it’s actually my living room, Dad,” Brock stated as he held up his hands and gestured around the room.
Ty Sr. waved off Brock’s comment. “Who cares! He is in here, on the ranch. With Rose. Are you dating my granddaughter?” Spinning to look at Kaylee, then his son Ty, he demanded, “Why did no one tell me Rose was dating the best pitcher in baseball? Do you people know who this is?”