“And what exactly is the next phase?”
He flashed me a wickedly sexy grin. “Not to spook you, but I’m hoping it means spending my days and nights with you. Making this place into a home, starting a family, and enjoying moments like this.”
“This is rather nice, and believe it or not, I’m not spooked. And just so you know, I never believed in love at first sight until you came out of the shadows on your balcony. I took one look at you, not having a clue as to who you were, and I felt my heart come to life. That is the only way I know how to explain it. It was powerful, and I’m not honestly sure how I didn’t profess myself to you right then and there.”
“I loved that you had no idea who in the hell I was. And I loved it even more that even after you found out who I was, that didn’t faze you one bit.”
I giggled. “As much as I would love to stay wrapped in this scratchy-ass blanket with you—famous or not—I think we should get dressed.”
The sound of a car driving up had us both freezing our movements.
“Um, are you expecting anyone?” I asked, jumping up to my feet and wrapping the blanket around me.
The sound of doors shutting had both of us scrambling for our clothes.
We stopped and stared at one another. “Oh my God, it’s my mother!” we both said at the same time.
When I heard my father’s voice next, I saw myself standing at Bryson’s funeral!
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” I whispered as I attempted to pull my jeans back on. When I looked at Bryson, he was already dressed and slipping on his boots.
“What the hell? How do men dress so fast?” I said, spinning as I looked for my bra that had gotten thrown somewhere.
He suddenly pushed me into the stall. My sneakers were thrown at me, and Bryson whispered, “Your bra is in the corner.”
I turned to see it there and chuckled. How had it gotten thrown in here? I reached for it, then heard Anna’s voice and dropped like a rock.
“There you are!” said Anna as she walked into the barn. I crawled over and tucked myself into a corner as I slowly got dressed.
“Hey, what are you guys doing here?” Bryson asked, his voice sounding a bit too panicked.
“We came to see the land. You told us you and Rose would be here.”
“Where’s Rose?” my mother asked.
My father chuckled. “If I know her, she’s walking around the property.”
“She had to go to the bathroom,” Bryson quickly said.
I closed my eyes and internally cursed.
“Rose? My daughter is using the bathroom in the outdoors?” my father asked, clearly sounding confused.
“Yep. She drank a large coffee on our way here.”
“Why didn’t she use this bathroom?” Dad asked.
I closed my eyes and held my breath.
“We hadn’t walked into the barn yet, and I totally forgot there was one in here.”
“Okay, well, um…do you want to show us around the barn?” Anna asked.
“What’s going on?”
Greg joined the party, and I heard my father telling him I was out in the woods going to the bathroom. At that moment, I prayed a hole would open and swallow me. It could not possibly get worse.
“Just pee!” Bryson said. “She drank a lot of coffee.”
My mother laughed. “So you said.”
I was wrong. It could get worse.
“Let me show you guys around the barn. Dad, there’s an office in here.”
“An office, huh?” Greg asked as the voices started to move away from the stall. When I could no longer hear anyone, I quickly finished getting dressed. Thank God the stalls were empty, and I hadn’t had to worry about hay in my hair. Once I was dressed, I stood and nearly let out a scream as I saw my mother leaning against the wall opposite the stall I was in.
“Mom!” I gasped. “What in the hell are you doing? You scared the shit out of me!”
“Watch your language, Rose Marie.”
I felt my cheeks heat. “Why are you standing there?”
She pushed off the wall and walked over to the stall, opening it and motioning for me to come out. “You’re my daughter, and I know you. The day you go to the bathroom in the woods is the day hell freezes over. I took one look at Bryson, and I knew. Hanky-panky in the barn isn’t new to me, Rose.”
I stared at her. “Hanky-panky?”
“I’ve had my fair share of it with your father.”
My hand came up to my mouth to keep my laugh from slipping free. “Are you saying you and Dad fooled around in a barn?”
With a wink, she wrapped her arm around me and said, “A barn and a lot more, sweetheart.”
Rolling my eyes, I groaned. “Really, Mom?”
She stopped and picked up my electronic notebook and handed it to me. “Have you had a chance to even draw any designs?”