“She signed a contract, so she’s obligated to do it.”
Ruth slowly shook her head. “Nothing has started, and I’m pretty sure if she wanted to, she could get out of it. You spooked her with the parental move.”
“Her father told me to invite my parents down and to go to dinner. You told me to take her out to dinner.”
“Yes, take her to dinner,” Ruth stated with a shocked expression on her face. “Not her and your parents. I don’t blame the poor girl for running. I can’t even imagine what that must have been like for her.”
Howie shook his head. “Bryson, I’ve never seen you so in knots about a woman before. Not even Kennedy.”
Ruth rolled her eyes. “Let’s move on from that conversation.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. Ruth had never liked Kennedy and had told me on more than one occasion I needed to open my eyes. I’m sure I knew deep down inside things would never work out with her, but I was too stubborn to admit it. I knew she wasn’t the one, probably from the very beginning. Total opposite with Rose. Something about the first time I laid eyes on her, everything in my world seemed to shift into place.
Exhaling, I scrubbed my hand down my face and dropped back into the chair. “She walked away from me last night like she never intended to see me again.”
Ruth reached over and patted my knee. “Don’t give up just yet, Bryson. Plus, she does intend on seeing you again. She said she’d see you today.”
“Wish I had your faith, Ruth. You didn’t see how angry she was last night.”
“I think she was most likely more angry with her father.”
My phone buzzed with a text message alert, and I reached for it.
“It’s from Rose,” I said, my heart pounding in my chest.
“What does it say?” Ruth and Howie both asked in unison.
Rose: I’d like to get an early start this morning and head to your property. Should I meet you there?
“She’s asking if I want her to meet me at the property today,” I stated as I lifted my gaze to them both. Howie fist pumped as Ruth gave me a gentle smile. I looked at her with pleading eyes.
Ruth calmly stated, “Give her the option.”
Me: Good morning. Whatever is easiest for you. I can swing by and pick you up or meet you there.
“Good! Good!” Ruth said.
“Why is it so good?” Howie asked.
“Because last night Rose was upset, she had no voice. No control. No one likes that in any circumstance. By giving her the option, Bryson is giving her back control.”
I nodded. “No wonder you’re a shrink.”
Ruth chuckled.
The three dots on the screen moved, then stopped. I stared at the phone; my heart felt like it was about to jump into my throat. The dots appeared again, then were gone.
Standing abruptly, I started to pace. The fucking dots came and went. It was a good thing she still wanted to go out to the property, but it was clear from her text she was putting me in the friend zone—or worse, the professional zone. My eyes widened as I stared, waiting for her text.
Fuck. Why had I listened to Ty about inviting my parents to town and dinner? I knew it was a bad idea. I knew it was!
Her text finally came through, and I stared at it. It was five words. Five beautiful words.
Rose: You can pick me up.
It felt like she had been writing a book.
Ruth stood. “Chin up, Robinson. The girl likes you. All you need to do is slow down, but don’t slow it down too much, or she’ll think you lost interest. Then again, maybe she wouldn’t since you’ve already introduced her to the parents.”
My head started to pound again. “I’m never going to live that down.”
“Never,” Ruth whispered.
Howie stood next and frowned as he looked at me. “I am so glad I found Ruth.”
With that, he turned and followed her into the kitchen.
Staring at the phone, I went to hit Rose’s number when Ruth called out, “Don’t call her! Text back what time you’ll be there.”
“How does she do that?” I whispered as I quickly texted Rose back that I would pick her up in thirty minutes.
Rose sat in the passenger seat of my truck as we drove the short twenty-minute distance to the land I had purchased. When we approached the main gate, Rose smiled at the covered bridge over a running stream.
“That’s cute.”
“My mom said the same thing when I showed her the pictures.”
“Have your parents seen the land yet?” Rose asked.
With a shake of my head, I replied, “Later today before they head back home.”
She nodded. “I wonder how our parents are getting along.”
I drew in a breath and slowly exhaled. “I’m sorry about last night, Rose.”