Being under a microscope was never one of my favorite things. And for some reason, I wasn’t sure if my parents were attempting to sell my ability to design or make a case for what a wonderful woman I would make for their son.

“I did,” I replied. Looking at Greg, I said, “I learned a lot from an architect who worked with my uncle Tanner on the ranch. He let me ask a lot of questions and was the reason I was interested in designing buildings and barns while keeping our environment the number one priority. He was an amazing teacher.”

My mother and father both smiled at me.

“Blayze has Rose come in each season to decorate his house. And the girls all love to bounce from house to house decorating for Christmas.”

Anna beamed at me. “How amazing! Rose, you must certainly have an eye for color.”

I forced a smile and stared down at my glass of wine. Bryson must have seen how uncomfortable I was because he asked his father, “Anything new in the skies, Dad?”

Greg quickly caught on and launched into some asteroid that had been picked up with some powerful telescope. The conversation soon fell to how Greg used to work for NASA, how he and Anna met, and how Greg found himself in Montana. It was a relief to have the conversation directed away from me.

The rest of dinner was easy conversation between everyone. I had relaxed since the conversation was off me and found that I truly liked Greg and Anna. It was clear all the parents got along, and when my mother insisted they stay the night at the ranch at their house instead of at the hotel they were staying at, Greg and Anna agreed.

“Where are you staying, Bryson?” Anna asked.

“With Howie and Ruth.”

“How is Howie?” Greg asked. “I haven’t seen him in years.”

As Bryson spoke to his mom and dad, I looked at my father and gave him what I hoped was a look that said he was dead to me. His smile faded, and he looked at my mother, who shrugged and said, “This one is all you.”

Dad picked up the bill, and everyone thanked him for dinner. As they all made their way out of the restaurant, I hung back and waited for my dad.

“Did you enjoy dinner?” he asked as he placed his hand on my back to guide me out.

Stopping, I faced him. “Dad, how could you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Suggest that Bryson ask his mother and father to drive down to Hamilton to meet everyone? I agreed to design his house, not marry him and push out a couple of kids.”

Dad laughed. “I like him, Rose. He’s a good guy, and I really believe he has feelings for you.”

“But to invite his parents and give me no heads-up, Dad!”

I raised my voice, causing a few people around us to look up.

“Not here, Rose Marie.”

Growling under my breath, I stormed out of the restaurant and found the rest of our group in a circle discussing a local rodeo event held at the family ranch. I wasn’t sure where my anger was coming from, which bothered me more than anything.

“Oh, Greg, how fun would it be to watch the little ones at a rodeo? We should plan on coming back down for it.”

Greg nodded but caught sight of me. We exchanged a smile, and he made his way over to me. “I’m sorry if we caught you off guard, Rose.”

I felt like a child for the way I had acted all through dinner and was regretting it. Why had I thrown up a wall around myself? I smiled. “I don’t think I was ready for that surprise, but it was lovely meeting you both.”

“You clearly were not expecting to meet us this evening,” Anna said as she looked at Bryson, who pointed at my father.

Everyone laughed.

“I’m going to walk Rose back to her place. I’ll call you in the morning?” Bryson said as he leaned down to kiss his mother on the cheek, then shook his father and my father’s hand. He kissed the back of my mother’s hand and told her how honored he was to meet her. When she blushed, I nearly laughed. My mother actually blushed. What in the hell.

Anna beamed up at her son. “That sounds good. Maybe we can meet for breakfast before we head back home.”

“Sounds great,” Bryson stated.

Realizing everyone was standing there awkwardly waiting on me, I remembered my manners. Turning to Greg and Anna, I reached my hand out to Greg first. “It was such a pleasure meeting you both.”

“It was our pleasure,” Greg stated with a smile that I was sure was still making the ladies’ heads turn.

When I faced Anna and held out my hand, she drew me in for a hug. “I adored getting to know you, Rose. I can’t wait to see your design plans and what you do to the house.”