“That’s smart of you. As for the reason you think she doesn’t want a relationship. Your job? Where you live? Simply buying some land and building a house on it isn’t going to change her mind, you know.”
“I know that, sir. You’re the only person outside of my team and best friend who I’m telling this to, and I would very much appreciate it if it stayed between us.”
Ty drew his brows down, and I could see the curiosity on his face. “I give you my word. Whatever you say to me, I’ll keep in your confidence.”
I drew in a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “I injured my arm, obviously, and was told I needed to take a sixty-day medical leave. It’s not getting any better, though, and I’m pretty sure I’ll have to have surgery.”
“Shit,” Ty whispered. “I’m sorry, Bryson. That really sucks. You’re at the top of your game. I hate this for you.”
“Thank you, sir. I appreciate that more than you know. But because I am at the top of my game, I’d rather go out that way than sit for a year on the sidelines of each game and hope that I’ll get playing time when I recover. Younger guys, talented, younger pitchers, are waiting for the opportunity to prove themselves.”
“What are you saying?”
I moved about in my seat some and then looked directly at him. This was the first time I was saying this part out loud to someone who wasn’t in my circle of trust. I was telling someone, and I was fucking terrified. “I’m going to retire from baseball. I haven’t told anyone yet besides Nick.”
“Not even the team?”
With a shake of my head, Ty whistled. “If you’re trying to get on my good side, you just did a hell of a job doing it, son.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “I bought the property because I believe in fate, sir. Destiny. I can’t stop thinking about Rose. When I saw her yesterday, I had a hard time catching my breath and righting myself, if that makes sense.”
He grinned, and I knew he knew exactly what I was talking about.
“I knew the crazy-ass decision to buy property and build a house so close to her was worth it. I’ve been in a long-term relationship before, and the way your daughter makes me feel…I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I don’t know if you believe in love at first sight, and I’m not saying I love Rose, but I truly believe it wouldn’t be hard to fall in love with her. I’m going to be here full time. In Montana. I’ve already found a shoulder doctor in Missoula, and my parents aren’t far away, and…God…saying it all out loud makes me sound insane.”
Ty shook his head and smiled. “My wife would say it sounds romantic. My daughter would, too, if she wasn’t so damn stubborn. She gets that from her mother, just putting that out there as a warning.”
I chuckled again and went to speak, but stopped when Sue brought our breakfast out and set it down in front of us. She also placed a glass of ice water in front of me and a glass of orange juice in front of Ty. He must come here a lot and order the same thing because I was pretty positive I hadn’t heard him order juice.
We started to eat and enjoyed a comfortable silence before Ty asked, “Why did you want to meet with me?”
I set my fork and knife down and wiped my mouth. “I thought it was the right thing to do. Introduce myself to you, let you know I have feelings for your daughter, and…”
My voice trailed off, and he tilted his head. “And?”
“I have no idea how much to pay her for the design of the house, and don’t ask me why I thought you were the person to go to.”
Ty tossed his head back and laughed. It was infectious, and I soon found myself laughing as well.
“Damn, kid, you really aren’t good at any of this, are you?”
I shrugged. “I want to be fair, and I honestly want your blessing.”
Ty’s smile slowly faded, and he put his fork down and cleared his throat. “First, it means a hell of a lot to me that you met with me. It tells me a lot about your character. Now, my brother Brock would say you’re a kiss ass, and you’re simply trying to get into my good graces.”
I nearly choked on my tongue. “Not at all, I was—”
Holding up his hand, Ty went on. “I like to think I’m a good judge of character, and I think it took balls to come here. Now, if you had known I knew you and Rose had…” He glanced around the café and then back at me. He gave me a look, and I nodded. “Been together, I’d like to think you still would have come.”