I rolled my eyes at the same time Howie did. “Why do women play games?”

“She’s not playing a game. I don’t know her yet, but from the little you’ve told me, I think she likes you more than she wants to admit. Maybe she’s just scared.”

“How do you get that out of what I’ve told you?” I asked.

Ruth shrugged. “She ran, so that tells me the feelings she had for you scared her.”

Howie pointed at me. “Yes! She ran, and that’s why!” Turning to Ruth, he asked, “Wait, huh?”

Sighing, Ruth said, “If I spent an evening with a guy, that from all accounts sounds like she enjoyed herself…by the way, don’t tell her you told us about that night.”

I nodded and waited for her to go on.

“Then decided I was going to get up, sneak out, and leave without so much as a ‘thanks for a good time,’ it’s because I was afraid to say goodbye.”

“Why would she have been afraid to say goodbye?” I asked.

“You mentioned that her best friend, Loren, stated she had been cheated on before, right?”


“Well, maybe that caused her to put up a wall around her heart. I mean, it would be scary falling for a guy who was a professional baseball player, lived in a different city, and traveled for months out of the year. Not to mention, you’re good looking.” Looking at Howie, she added, “But not as good looking as you, sweetheart.”

“Thank you, my love.”

I pretended to gag, then motioned for Ruth to go on.

“It might be hard for her to let you in, especially if she hasn’t had the best experience with relationships.”

Howie stared at Ruth with nothing but pure pride on his face. He looked at me and pointed at her. “This is why I love her. She’s smart as hell.”

Ruth laughed. “I’m a therapist. It’s kind of what I do.”

Leaning back in the chair, I let her words replay in my head. “That’s why you wanted me to play it cool with her.”

“One reason I wanted you to play it cool with her is you probably spooked her with the whole land and house thing. I mean, there is a romantic gesture, and then there is…you,” she said as she waved her hands at me. “If you really like her, Bryson, you need to go slow.”

“I think she wanted me to kiss her tonight. She lifted up some when she thought I was going to kiss her. When I told her about Howie, she said she felt stupid for thinking I bought the property because of her. So when I left, I told her Howie had nothing to do with why I bought it.”

Ruth smiled, and Howie frowned.

“That’s perfect, Bryson. You don’t want her to think you’re putting her into the friend zone. You don’t want to play with her emotions either. You simply want to take things slower than the initial pace you set.”

“You’re telling me that I didn’t have anything to do with why you bought it?” Howie asked.

Ruth stood, reached for his hand, and said, “Come on, I’m exhausted. I forgot what it was like to go out for drinks.”

Howie stood and looked down at me. “Make yourself at home, Bryson. If I don’t see you before I leave for work in the morning, good luck.”

“Thanks, Howie. And thanks for letting me crash here.”

Ruth leaned down and kissed my cheek. “You’re always welcome here.”

I spent the next few hours staring up at the ceiling thinking about Rose. My mind drifted back to the night we shared together, and how I had felt the first time I kissed her. Made love to her. If there was one thing I believed in, it was destiny. Everything happened for a reason, and Rose Shaw stepped out onto the balcony for a reason. I’d do whatever it took to prove to her I was worthy of her taking a chance on us.

The bell above the door of The Coffee Cup Café rang as I stepped inside and glanced around. Sitting at a booth in the back right corner was the man I was meeting. When he looked up and our eyes met, he slid out and stood.

I made my way to him and reached out my hand. “Mr. Shaw, I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me this morning.”

Ty Shaw gave my hand a firm shake, did a quick once-over, then motioned for me to sit down. Sliding into the booth, I attempted to slow my beating heart.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir,” I said as I looked up at the server who stood with a pot of coffee.

“Would you like some coffee?”

I turned the cup over and placed it on the saucer. “Yes, thank you.”

We both watched as she poured the coffee, then she said she’d give us a few minutes to decide on breakfast.