My parents had been happy I was staying local, especially my mother. I think she thought I’d be heading for a larger city to pave my way as someone who was hell-bent on changing the architectural world with environmentally friendly ideas one big skyscraper at a time.
Hard. Pass. Montana was in my blood, and I loved my family too much to ever leave.
Glancing down at my notebook, Mr. Stiner frowned. I had already explained to him at least a dozen times that my little notebook was like a paper notebook, yet I was saving the trees by not using a paper notebook. He couldn’t understand that I only needed a thin piece of “metal” to keep all my notes, thoughts, ideas, and drawings in.
He cleared his throat and spoke. “Now, Rose, you know I think you’re one of the most promising employees we have here at the firm.”
“I truly appreciate that, Mr. Stiner.”
He nodded. “And your ability to help with the designs, as well as interiors, has been beneficial. You have a real eye for interior decorating if you ever want to follow that path. Your attention to details and knack for color is one of the best I’ve ever seen.”
I forced a smile. My boss seemed to push interior design down my throat at least three times a week for some reason. “That’s good to know, if I should ever decide to follow that career path.”
“And because of that, and the fact that you have earned respect from all of the architects here at the firm, I’m assigning you to a team that’ll be building a home right outside of Hamilton for a very important client. You will be taking on more of an…important role.”
It seemed like Mr. Stiner had to force himself to say the last two words, and that piqued my interest. Whatever the role was, he obviously wasn’t on board with it judging by his tone. That was strange. He’s the boss so…I was confused. “What kind of role?”
He reached up and loosened his tie. “Lead design architect.”
My mouth fell open, and I quickly shut it. Had I heard him correctly?
I sat up a bit straighter. “I’d be honored, and thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. It means a lot to me that you have that kind of confidence in me, Mr. Stiner.”
He cleared his throat. “Well, truth be told, the client asked for you personally. You wouldn’t have been my first pick for a job of this scope.”
Ouch. That felt like a bitch slap if I ever felt one.
“Really?” I asked, instantly intrigued to know who the client was, and annoyed that my boss hadn’t thought I had it in me. I mean, I could hardly expect the man to give me a lead design when I’d only been there for a couple of months. If wishes were fishes and all of that. Something else was up, though, and it clearly irked Mr. Stiner by the way he kept acting as if he had a spoonful of castor oil in his mouth.
“Yes. You’ll be attending the initial meeting today with the client. But I wanted to meet with you privately first since this is a big responsibility, and if you should choose to step back and allow someone like Duke to take over, I would totally understand. It might actually be for the best if you stepped back and let a more experienced person handle this.”
I smiled. “So what you are saying is that you don’t think I can do the job?”
He chuckled. “Rose, you’ve only ever assisted with designs.”
“But I’ve shown you a few things I’ve designed myself without the assistance of someone like Duke.”
He stared at me for a moment, then went on speaking. “Our client also requested to speak with you before the meeting. He has some specific concerns about the interior that he wishes to speak to you about in private, no one else. He wants the entire home to be environmentally friendly, of course.”
Nodding as I took notes, I said, “Of course.”
“Rose, you will have to have me or one of the senior architects approve your design. Just because this person is a family friend of the Shaw’s, my name is still on the design.”
I felt my body deflate. “The client knows my family?”
Mr. Stiner shrugged. “I’m not a hundred percent sure, but why else would they ask for a young woman right out of college to design their house?”
Oh, I don’t know? Because maybe I have talent, you asshat?
I pressed my mouth together tightly so I wouldn’t say those exact words that I’d been thinking.
“You’ll be assigned to the team, do your design to please the client, then Duke will take it from there.”
My eyes went wide as I stared at him in shock.
Mr. Stiner stood. “Now that we understand that, I’m going to step out and let him step in so the two of you can chat. Since you’ll be handling the more intimate area of the home, it’s vital you understand the client’s needs.”