Lily grinned. “I forgot all about Hank.”

“Hank?” Ben said with a laugh. “What kind of name is Hank?”

Lily and I both looked at Ben and frowned.

“A hot guy name,” I stated dryly. “Hell, if he hadn’t given you his number, I’d have asked for his. I bet he’d be fun to ride!”

Lily’s cheeks turned bright red, but she quickly agreed. “I bet he would.”

“Hello, I’m standing right here.”

Turning to face him, Lily shrugged. “Please, like you’ve never heard us talk about guys before.”

Ben rolled his eyes. “I don’t need the mental image of you riding Hawk.”

“Hank,” Lily and I both corrected him. Lily put her tongue to her top lip in what I was positive was her way of suppressing a smile.

“Whatever? Did you want to come, Rose? I need to pick up Abby by eight thirty.”

Lily faced me. “We’d like to get an early start before the weather gets too hot.”

“I think I’m going to pass, but I seriously think you should ask...Hank.” I winked at Ben when I stressed the dude’s name.

Ben’s phone sent out a notification, and he glanced down to read the text. When he smiled, I saw Lily stare at him with an annoyed expression before she looked back at me and smiled.

Lily pulled out her phone. “I think I saved his number in my phone.”

I couldn’t help the smile on my face as I watched Ben’s head jerk up in surprise. When he saw me watching him, he focused back on his phone.

“Hank? Hi, this is Lily. We met a few weeks back at the Blue Moose.” Lily smiled, and Ben made a face as he pretended to look at his phone. I turned and started my coffee machine.

“I know this is last minute, but I’m going on a hike with another couple, and I thought you might like to join us. We plan on eating lunch and taking a swim.”

Ben sighed, pushed his phone into his pocket, and leaned against the counter while he watched Lily.

“Coffee?” I asked him.

“No, thank you.”

As I waited for my coffee, I also faced a pacing Lily. “I’m so glad you’re able to join us. I’ll text you the address to the trailhead and what time we’ll be there.”

She hung up, and Ben pushed off the counter. “I don’t know why you invited some stranger. You’re not the third wheel.”

Folding her arms over her chest, Lily said, “This hike was our thing, Ben. You let Abby invade it.”

Oh. Shit.

“Invade it? She’s my girlfriend, Lily, and she’s already jealous of our friendship. What was I supposed to do?”

“I don’t know, maybe tell her to trust you!” Lily snapped back.

I nodded. “Ben, she has you on that one.”

They both shot me a dirty look. Holding up my hands, I turned and grabbed my mug filled with hot coffee. “Sorry, go on fighting.”

“We’re not fighting,” they both replied.

Ben let out a frustrated breath. “You don’t even know the guy, Lil.”

“What better way to get to know him than on a double date, Ben.” The way she said his name caused even me to flinch. The absolute disdain in Lily’s voice was strong.

Ben shrugged. “Fine. I won’t feel torn between the two of you now.”

My mouth fell open as Lily took a step back. Ben’s phone started to ring, and he answered it.

“Hey, Abby. No, we’re about to head that way.”

I focused on Lily, who looked as if someone had kicked her dog. “I hope you brought a two-piece bathing suit for Hank to check out those toned legs of yours.”

Lily had been staring down at the floor and hadn’t seen the thunderous expression on Ben’s face at my comment. What in the hell was going on between the two of them?

Glancing up at Ben, she grinned, then faced me. “Actually, do you have that two-piece G-string you bought last week?”

Oh, my little cousin was going to play dirty. I liked it.

“I do. Follow me.”

Glancing over her shoulder at Ben, Lily said, “Two seconds.”

He nearly growled back at her. “Hurry, we’re going to be late picking up Abby.”

Taking Lily’s hand, I practically pulled her to my bedroom. I dropped her hand when we walked into the room and headed to my dresser. With my voice lowered, I said, “What in the world is going on with you two?”

She rolled her eyes. “Nothing.”

“Nothing? Oh no, there is obviously something there, and we need to talk about the way Ben nearly passed out when you mentioned a G-string!”

“I’m sure it’s only because he doesn’t want his precious Abby to feel awkward or upset.”

“Why would she feel that way?”

An evil look appeared on my sweet cousin’s face. “Because I’m going to be turning not only Hank’s head, but also her boyfriend’s.”

My mouth opened, and I sucked in a breath. “Why, Lily Hope Shaw. You are evil and conniving.”