“Do you think it’s because you’re not controlling what you’re designing?”

I gave her a questioning look. “That might be it.”

She crossed her legs as she adjusted on the bale of hay. “You love to draw. Everyone knows that. And when you did those other projects, they were on your terms. You got to decide what you were and weren’t going to do. At your job, you do what you’re told. Maybe that’s taking the love of it away from you. Let’s use Georgiana as an example.”


“Georgiana had an amazing career working for Vogue, right? Covering what she loved, fashion. But her true dream was to do her own fashions and have her own store. She thought she was happy with what she was doing, but it took a change for her to see what she truly wanted to do.”

“Okay, I get what you’re saying, but what are you insinuating I should do? Quit my job? Because I kind of need the money.”

She laughed. “No, but maybe you should look at doing something else. Like painting.”

“Painting isn’t going to pay my bills, Lily.”

“Not now, no. But if you started to paint again while still working full time, maybe it would lead to something. When was the last time you sat in a field and painted?”

I shrugged. “I don’t have time to do that.”

With a tilt of her head, she gave me a stern look. “This Saturday.”

“What about it?”

“Do you have any plans?”

“Unless I have to bring home work, I’m free.”

“Good! So that means you have plenty of time,” she said with a bright smile. “I’ll pick you up at seven!”

“In the morning?” I nearly yelled out. “Why so early?”

With a wink, she stood and took my hand in hers. “You’ll see!”

And without another word, we headed back into the house and were pleasantly surprised to see no one had even noticed our absence.

Chapter Six


I drew in a deep breath and let the crisp mountain air fill my lungs. I’d missed this more than I had thought.

“The property is just under two-hundred acres and situated at the mouth of Bear Creek Canyon. As you can see, it has the open pasture land that backs up to the mountain and is very secluded like you asked for.”

Turning to smile at the real estate agent, I said, “The owners added a nice touch with the bridge over the creek.”

She nodded. “Some amazing hiking trails are close by as well. And with your property backing up to the national forest, no one will ever build back there.”

“That is a nice selling point. It’s beautiful,” I said as I looked over the meadow and the slope up to the Bitterroot Mountains. “I’m surprised no one has ever built here.”

“They planned to build a house here but ended up staying in Colorado. They did build a six-stall barn and cleared a four-acre meadow, which are ideal for any horse lover.”

“And how many other offers are there for it?”

“Right now, you’re the only interested party. The market is slowly turning from a seller’s market to a buyer’s.”

Nodding, I took in the view once again. “May I look at the barn?”

“Of course. Let’s get back in, and I’ll drive us over there.”

After looking at the stunning barn that appeared to have never held a single horse, I walked around for a bit longer.

“And you said we’re how far from Hamilton?” I asked.

“A short fifteen or twenty minutes.”

I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face.

“You’re from Montana if I remember correctly.”

“That’s right. I always forget how much I miss it until I come back.”

She smiled brightly. “Will this be a vacation home?”

“No, I’d like to make this my permanent residence.”

“Well, if you’d like, we can draw up an offer to the owners and see if they accept it.”

The land was beautiful, and for it to be so close to Hamilton was a plus. I knew I was taking a risk, and Rose might think I was insane once she found out, but it was a risk I was willing to gamble. I’d never had a woman take up so much headspace before, and in my heart, I know she felt the connection I felt the night we spent together. And regardless if things worked out or not, I’d be close enough to my parents, and maybe someday I could talk them into building a little cabin here and living closer to me. I knew they would simply be happy to see me put roots down in Montana.

“I’ll go in full price, and I’ll pay with cash. The faster we can close, the better.”

The agent stared at me for a few moments before she snapped her mouth shut and swallowed hard. “Mr. Bryson, the asking price is nearly five million.”

With a smile and a wink, I said, “I know. Full price, cash offer. The faster we can close, the better.”