"Someone has to keep an eye on you." Dane draped an arm over the back of the couch behind Chloe. He gave us all a dark look.

"That's very noble of you," Hunter said sarcastically, but without his smile faltering.

"We have some new faces. And some old faces." Annoyance flickered in his eyes when Zachary entered the bar and strode over towards us. He sat down between a couple of women and crossed his legs.

My gaze slid over to Chloe. Neither she nor Dane seemed surprised to see Zachary, but they didn't seem happy about it either. Apparently they hadn't kissed and made up yet.

I exchanged a glance with Hunter. His smirk suggested he was thinking the same thing. I laced my fingers in Lila's and squeezed.

I leaned to whisper in her ear. "Any time you want to leave, just say the word."

She responded with a subtle nod of her head. "I won't let them ruin all of my fun. I came here tonight to show them I'm not broken, not even close. I want to do something normal."

I wasn't sure if our little card game was normal but I knew what she meant. She was a university student. That meant lots of study, but also lots of… Drinking and fucking. She didn't want to let the rivalry between her and her sister stop her from enjoying herself.

"Ah, here's Slade." Hunter rubbed his hands together and grinned.

Slade balanced a tray of empty shot glasses on the palm of one hand and held two bottles of tequila in the other.

"We figured with the unfortunate spate of druggings, we'd forgo pre-poured drinks." Hunter nodded his thanks to Slade as he placed the tray and the bottles on the table. "Anyone is welcome to inspect the bottles to make sure they haven't been tampered with." He looked around the gathered students, but no one moved.

"Very well then." Hunter picked up his pack of Kink or Drink cards from the table and started to shuffle them. "There have been suggestions in the past that I may have put the cards in a particular order. I might have been slightly remiss in not shuffling them. From now on, they will be carefully shuffled. If anyone wants a turn, you're welcome to do that too."

He split the deck before flicking the corners of the cards to combine the deck in a different order.

"I think we can see they are shuffled." Slade sat on the other side of Lila.

"Thank you," Hunter said graciously. "I wouldn't want to be accused of cheating."

Dane barked a laugh. "If the hat fits."

"I don’t have as much life experience as you do," Hunter said slowly, "but I've noticed that people who tend to fling accusations are trying to deflect from their own shortcomings or guilt."

Dane looked ready to pick up one of the tequila bottles and smash Hunter over the head with it. Chloe placed a hand on his knee, keeping him from doing anything rash.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Zachary watching both of them like a stalker. He wasn't even trying to contain his envy. He wanted to be the one with Chloe's hand on his knee. No doubt he’d also be having the same thoughts about smashing a bottle over Hunter's head.

If I'm honest, I've had thoughts like that myself from time to time. Being a twin wasn't always torture and fucking around with people. Sometimes it was difficult, especially when we spent so much time together.

"Are we going to play?" one of the newer students asked. What was her name? Tina? She sat with a couple of women I'd seen her with before. All second years like me, most of them were studying business and marketing. Even businesses like ours needed good PR from time to time.

"Of course we are." Hunter placed the pack of cards face down on the table. "Would you care to go first?" He gestured towards Tina.

She looked uncertain now, but her friends giggled and waved for her to go ahead.

"You've got this." Angie was a perky blonde with perky breasts. Breasts I would happily have touched, if not for Lila. And by touched, I mean come all over.

Tina leaned forward, giving us all an eyeful of cleavage, and picked up a card. Her eyes grew round, but she looked excited.

"Get choked," she read. "I've always wanted to, but all the guys seem to think they'll hurt me." She pouted.

All the guys were silly if that's what they thought. It was just a matter of learning the right pressure by paying attention to your partner.

She looked around hopefully.

"I'll do it," Zachary said before any of the other guys could speak. Tina's friends moved aside to make room for him to sit beside her. He stroked his palm down the side of her face, over her chin and down to her throat. She tilted her head back as he gripped her with his large hand.

"Does that feel good?" He braced himself with his other hand on the back of the couch beside her.