"Favourably compared," he said. "Always favourably."
"Definitely." Parker gripped my chin and turned my face around just far enough to kiss me.
"You both realise how unfair this is," Slade grumbled. "I'm going to have to drive with a painful boner."
"Keep your eyes on the road," Parker told him. "I'm sure you had plenty of time with our girl while everyone thought we were off working for Reuben."
I remembered how he got me off on his desk while speaking to my father on the phone. My face and neck heated.
Hunter lifted his mouth from me and smiled. "Lila's blush says it all. I'm glad you were having fun while we were chained up."
He wasn't even being sarcastic. He was genuinely happy we were enjoying ourselves in spite of their absence and the reason for it. Of course, he wouldn't want me to go without orgasms. The twins were sweet that way.
"We have some time to make up for," Parker said. He pulled the T-shirt up further and slipped his hands into my sheer bra. He palmed and pinched my nipples while Hunter worked my clit into a shallow, quick orgasm followed by a deeper, longer one.
I felt as though I was floating above the earth, above the atmosphere. Somewhere out in space surrounded by stars. Weightless and tangled in bliss. A moment of precise perfection and pleasure. A place I would have liked to stay forever. Carefree and happy.
By the time I came back down from the second one, his face was shining, wet with my juices.
He sat up a little and licked his lips. "Best meal of the day. Of the year."
Parker slipped his hands out of my bra and pushed the T-shirt back down. "We have a long drive back to the Academy. Get some sleep. We'll keep an eye out for trouble."
"You should rest too." I tried to stifle a yawn but failed.
"We'll rest when we get back," Hunter said. "Right now, you need it more than we do. Don't stress, we'll be right here." He smiled and added, "I love you."
"I love you too." I nestled back against Parker and closed my eyes. I probably shouldn't sleep, but I was exhausted. That was the last thought I had before sleep claimed me.
"Home sweet home," I said as Slade pulled his SUV into a parking space and cut the engine. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I wound a thick strand of Lila's hair around my finger. I let it bounce free before winding another strand. Her hair was so soft, I could play with it all day. Currently it smelled like roses mixed with some kind of spice. Not her usual scents but compelling nonetheless.
"No, I'd rather spend the rest of my life in the back seat of this car," she said sarcastically.
Hunter grinned. "Funny, I was thinking the exact same thing." He twisted his upper body and pretended to crawl over to her.
She batted him away. "Save it until we're inside. I probably look like shit anyway." She sat up and looked at her reflection in the rearview mirror.
I clasped her shoulders and drew her back down. "You could never look like shit. Even if you looked like a potato, you'd still be gorgeous."
"Because the main ingredient of most of your favourite foods is the potato," she said. "If they added potato to pizza, you'd be in heaven."
"I'm not saying you're wrong about that," I said slowly, "But I am saying you're my favourite food, not the humble potato. Although, heaven would involve somehow adding beer to potato pizza."
When it came to actual food, I had relatively simple tastes. Especially compared to Reuben and Caleb. Joshua too. They were all born with a silver spoon up their asses and a taste for the finer things. Zeke, Lucas, Hunter and me, we preferred burgers to caviar. And beer to Bollinger. Although, I wouldn't say no to a glass of champagne most of the time.
Caleb, Reuben and Joshua would probably say it was because our mother didn't have the class as theirs. Since our father probably murdered their mother to marry ours, I'd never know.
Our family was nothing if not complicated. The only thing we knew for certain was that Zeke was conceived before our father's first wife died. If my father wanted someone out of the way, they were removed.
Until Dane and Asher's father removed him and my mother. That was the main reason for the DiMarco family's downfall. They made a bid for power. They failed. Sucked to be them.
"That's disgusting." Lila wrinkled her nose.
"You say that now, but if someone invented it, you'd try it. You might even like it." I opened the door and stepped out before turning back and taking Lila's hand. I didn't want to let her out of my sight, much less let go of her physically. We were all going to have to be a lot more careful from now on. I thought we were before, but Chloe and her merry assholes proved us wrong.