“It’s necessary now.”

I didn’t say anything else, but I watched him as he drove. I thought about how effortlessly he’d nearly choked the life out of that man. I thought about how calm he’d been as he did it. I’d known there was more to him than the prickly, arrogant asshole he presented himself as at the club. I’d guessed at how wild he’d be in bed, but I’d never guessed any of this.

I also hadn’t known how fucking hot it would be to see him in action. I’d never wanted to be the one rescued. I always wanted to be the one in charge, the one who took care of everyone, but watching the way Ford had raced to my defense, the way he’d dispatched that man as if it was nothing…I had to admit it was fucking amazing.



Jay and I were silent for most of the drive home. I could feel the tension in the air, sexual and otherwise. After knowing how close he’d come to potential harm and the adrenaline rush of making sure he stayed safe, I knew one spark was all it would take to have me jerking the car to the side of the road and fucking him right there. I needed to get home, I needed to call Carter. My mind was buzzing. We needed to end this now.

I allowed myself a quick glance in Jay’s direction. His head was laid back on the seat, his eyes closed, but he wasn’t relaxed. I could see the tension in his jaw and shoulders.

I wanted to reach out and touch him to reassure him, but I didn’t dare lest I start a full-on wildfire. How have I gone from hating this man to being willing to do anything to keep him safe? What the fuck was I gonna do when he walked away?

As soon as we got to my house, I sent Jay into my office to work, and I went to the kitchen. For a few moments, I focused on cooking, letting it calm me—or pretending it did anyway. The stress from today was way more than any simple task like cooking or knitting could get rid of.

When I thought I had a chance of talking to Carter without yelling, I called him. When he didn’t answer I called right back.

“I’m busy with the guy you’ve sent in. I’ll call you back,” he said, then hung up. I paced the kitchen while the sauce simmered and I heated the water for pasta. Would Carter get anything useful out of that fucker? I hoped so. I couldn’t stand the thought of Jay in danger or of anyone but me putting their hands on him.

I blew out a long breath. I was so fucked.

It seemed like ages before Carter called back. “What did you learn?”

“Plenty. I’ve got names and locations.”

“I want in on this.”

“That’s not a good idea. You don’t have the right training.”

“They went after—” I stopped. Jay was in the kitchen doorway, watching me. His hair was wet from the shower, and he was wearing only a pair of sleep pants.

“You’ve fallen for him, haven’t you?” Carter asked.

My heart pounded so hard I thought I might pass out. “I don’t know.”

“You better figure it out, because if you want a relationship with him, you’re going to have to fight for it.”

Was I? The way Jay was looking at me, I could almost convince myself he was as obsessed as I was.

“I want to know what you’re planning. I deserve that.”

“I get that, especially since it affects you, and you’ll be a target if anything goes wrong.”

“Nothing’s going to go wrong.” It couldn’t.

“Something always goes wrong; that’s why we have contingency plans.”

I did not want Carter acting all practical now. “I want to get this right the first time.”

“Jesus, you sound like Miles.”

I felt a little bit like Miles right then, the arrogance, the need to possess. Was this how out of control he felt with Ben? No wonder he’d acted so fucking erratic.

“Since Jay and I can’t leave, why don’t you come over to discuss strategy.”

“All right, give me about an hour.”